卯靜儒Chin-Ju Mao林俶敏Chu-Min Lin2019-08-282009-8-112019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692000270%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90048本研究旨在解析「人本」管教論述的建構,剖析「人本」管教論述的陳述主軸與陳述策略,了解現場教育人員對於「人本」管教論述的迴響,理解「人本」管教論述對現場教育人員的作用。本研究偏向以傅柯式的論述分析為研究方法,以《人本教育札記》與訪談文件作為分析的對象。 研究結果顯示「人本」管教論述的建構主要搭建在教育體系問題、文化風氣與人權概念之上,而「人本」交替使用不同他者來擔任「人本」管教論述的主體,同時運用稀釋化、忽視化與兩面化的策略來搭建其管教論述。在教師迴響的方面,「人本」管教論述有其作用力,使得校園體罰管教現象有所減少,而「人本」與教育人員最根本的歧異來自於管教觀點的差異,「人本」以個體為出發來形塑管教議題,而教育人員以集體經營的觀點來端看管教問題。This study focused on the discipline discourse raised by the Humanistic Education Foundation(HEF). I was intented on how such discourse has been formed and what are the discursive structures and the strategies. In addition, how the school educators recognize, feel and reflect over HEF’s discursive practices, were also mentioned. Michel Foucaults’ Discourse Analysis was applied as the main research approach. The official magazines published by the HEF and school teacher interviews were conducted to obtain the analitical data. According to the research findings, I found that arguments of the discipline discourse are grounded on the problematic educational system, changing culture climates, and the evolving of human rights. Interchangably others, such as lawyers, psychological therapists, professors in education, and teachers, are manipulated to serve the diverse roles of the multiple claiming subjects for the HEF. Meanwhile, the strategic rarifying, neglecting, and purposeful overlooking and emphasizing, are ways of how HEF structures her discourses. The outcomes of HEF’s discipline discourses are somewhat productive and influential. Corporal punishment and immoderate disciplines are banned and reduced significantly in schools. However, it is hard to merge the essential perspective gaps about discipline between HEF advocates and school stakeholders, which HEF takes an student-centered individualistic positions but school stakeholders keep the class management in mind from collective positions.管教論述分析人本教育基金會discplinediscourse analysisHumanistic Education Foundation人本教育基金會管教論述之探究Studying on Discipline discourse of the Humanistic Education Foundation