洪榮昭林淑惠2019-09-042012-2-182019-09-042011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097702319%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98786隨著網路的運用,大量運用網路傳遞訊息,同時也可散佈不實謠言,造成網路職場霸凌 (cyber bullying)。本研究利用自編問卷,探討目前在高科技公司網路霸凌現況,藉由積差相關、二因子變異係數分析、單因子變異數分析等方法得知: (1)網路霸凌方式與目的在男女間、工作年資並無顯著差異; (2)高科技員工常遇見的網路霸凌方式為同事利用捏造的圖文張貼於網站上惡意嘲笑自己,目的為嘲弄對方的工作能力不足; (3)霸凌情緒,會受到內在自我價值及社會取向、個我取向就動機所影響,且造成情緒波動大、精神緊繃的心理反應。As the developing the internet, it became a tool which used to transfter the information and also to spread the rumors. We named the situation as “cyber-bullying” . This study intended to explor what kinds of cybering bullying in the high-tech companies. The questionnaire included the reversed version Achievement Motivation, Self-Worth questions, self –developed cyber-bullying questions and bullied emotion questions. The statistics methods of correlation, two-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The results are showed as follows: 1. There are no different between sexual and working years, when cyber-bulying. 2. The staffs in high-tech companies were bullied what the coworks posted the evil make-up information on the internet, in order to deride the lack of their working abilities. 3. Bullied emotions will be affected by inner self-worth, Social-Oriented Achievement Motivation and Individual-Oriented Achievement Motivation. Cyber-bullying will also cause the moods and tense easily.職場霸凌成就動機自我價值cyber-bullyingachievement motivationself-worth自我價值與個人成就動機在網路霸凌知覺之研究--以高科技產業職場為例The Effect of Self-worth and Achievement Motivation on the Perception of Workplace Cyber Bullying