王冠雄Wang, Dustin Kuan-Hsiung周寶明Chou, Pao-Ming2020-12-142020-01-132020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080387005I%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109851氣候變遷為人類生存環境帶來挑戰與威脅,為防範其惡化,在聯合國的主導下,啟動了氣候治理建制,並完成法制化過程。其過程自1990年設立「政府間談判委員會」並展開氣候談判起,至2015年巴黎協商會議結束止,期間相繼完成《聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約》、《京都議定書》及《巴黎協定》等重要國際法律文件,為全球氣候治理制訂遵循與執行的重要依據。 長久以來,在傳統的國際政治裡,主權國家經常是被關注的焦點,綜觀聯合國主導下的一系列氣候談判會議,雖然國家行為者在過程中依舊具有主導力量,但非政府組織之參與角色愈顯重要,因為它們在正式會議裡的參與數量不斷增加之外,在場外舉辦周邊活動之規模亦不斷擴大,也由於它們在會議過程中發揮了某種程度的影響力,讓它們在氣候議題上,達到某些訴求。 為進一步探討非政府組織之參與及其影響力情況,另外遴選氣候行動網絡作為案例研究。尤其是相較於其他環境非政府組織,氣候行動網絡在組織結構與性質上都較為特別,它主要是連結分布在全球超過上千個的非政府組織而形成的網絡,藉由團結力量試圖在氣候談判正式會議及場外週邊活動中發揮影響力,期使國際社會加速改善氣候變遷現象,確保人類永續發展。The challenges and threats that are coming from climate change are getting serious. The United Nations play a key and important role within global governance on the issue of climate change. It also builds up a international regimes that is responsible for global governance as well as its legalization on climate change. A series of climate negotiations have been held since 1990. Until 2015, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, and Paris Agreement have been completed sequentially. They are also the most important international documents for the UN to govern climate change. States are always seen the main players within the international politics. However, during many climate conferences that were held by the UN, the participation of non-governmental organizations has become more significant than before. NGOs not only participate actively but also increase their representatives in the official conferences or other side events. More importantly, they tried to influence participants and get their supports for reaching their climate goals. For further understanding the participation of NGOs and their influences in climate negotiations, the Climate Action Network is taken as a case study. Specially, the organizational structure and character of CAN are different with other Environmental NGOs. It forms a worldwide network of over 1000 NGOs in over 120 countries and tries to play its influences on the climate change issue in the international climate negotiations. The aim that it works for is to promote governments and people to limit human-induced global warming and to ensure that human beings can meet sustainable development.氣候變遷全球氣候治理非政府組織氣候行動網絡climate changeglobal climate governancenon-governmental organizationsclimate action network聯合國氣候治理建制法制化與非政府組織參與之研究:以「氣候行動網絡」為例The International Legalization of Climate Governance Regimes in UN and the Participation of NGOs: The Case of "Climate Action Network"