黃光男HUANG, GUANG-NAN張嘉怡CHANG, JIA-I2019-08-292012-1-162019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098023114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92333隨著終身學習社會的來臨,教師參與在職進修已蔚為潮流,在進修過程中,在職進修教師需面臨工作與學業的角色衝突壓力,因此會使用各種因應策略來應對,但由於個體差異所以因應策略也因人而異。在國內研究中,內外控人格特質和自我效能的相關研究多用於個體行為的探討,而角色衝突的因應策略也涉及個人人格特質和個體行為,基於此,本研究試圖探究在職進修教師的內外控人格特質、自我效能與角色衝突因應策略的相互關係,以及其個人變項、內外控人格特質及自我效能對角色衝突因應策略的影響。本研究針對新北市雙和分區的在職進修國小教師進行問卷調查。由問卷結果分析後,獲致結論和建議如下: 一、結論 (一)不同的個人背景變項對內外控人格特質、自我效能、角色衝突因應策略的影響不一。 (二)國小在職進修教師傾向內控人格特質。 (三)國小在職進修教師的自我效能為中間偏高。 (四)國小在職進修教師的角色衝突因應策略運用程度高。 (五)內外控人格特質與自我效能為正相關。 (六)內外控人格特質與角色衝突因應策略呈正相關。 (七)自我效能與角色衝突因應策略有部分相關。 (八)內外控人格質對角色衝突因應策略達顯著預測力,即愈傾向內控人格者,其角色衝突因應策略的運用程度愈高。 (九)自我效能對角色衝突因應策略具部分預測力。 二、建議 (一)對學校機構的建議:學校體認教師在職進修之趨勢及角色間平順關係的重要性,提供非正式之協助支持。 (二)對教育主管單位的建議:研究所安排相關的心靈成長課程及研習,並建立跨年級研究生間的互助網路。 (三)對未來研究的建議:可進行不同對象、方法、主題的研究。With the coming of lifelong learning society, it has become a trend for teachers to attend in-service education. During in-service education, In-service teachers would encounter pressure of role conflict from work and study, and try to use all kinds of coping strategies. Due to the difference of individuals, people would use different coping strategies. In domestic research, most researches of locus of control and self-efficacy focus on the behavior of individual. As coping strategy of role conflict involves individual’s personality and behavior. Therefore, the author tried to explore the relation between locus of control, self-efficacy and coping strategy of role conflict, and the impact made by individual variables, locus of control and self-efficacy on the coping strategy of role conflict. According to the analysis of questionnaire survey on in-service teachers of Zhonghe and Yonghe dist in New Taipei City, the major findings can be summarized as follows: 1.Conclusion: (1)Individual variables effect locus of control, self-efficacy and coping strategy of role conflict in different way. (2)In-service teachers are classified as internal locus of control. (3)In-service teachers have higher self-efficacy. (4)In-service teachers use coping strategy of role conflict more often. (5)Locus of control positively associate with self-efficacy. (6)Locus of control positively associate with coping strategy of role conflict. (7)Self-efficacy associate partly with coping strategy of role conflict. (8)Locus of control has obvious predictability to coping strategy of role conflict ,which means people with internal locus of control would use coping strategy of role conflict more often. (9)Self-efficacy has part predictability to coping strategy of role conflict. 2.Suggestion (1)School has to sense the importance that teachers attend in-service education becoming a trend, and needs to provide informal help and support for in-service teachers. (2)Graduate school could arrange some mental development courses and build a mutual help net for different grade. (3)In the future, Researchers could research into related subjects of this different people, method and role conflict.內外控人格自我效能角色衝突因應策略locus of controlself-efficacyrole conflictcoping strategy內外控人格特質、自我效能與角色衝突因應策略之研究-以新北市雙和分區在職進修教師為例Research of Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy and Coping Strategy of Role Conflict