詹志禹陳燕芬2019-08-282009-7-62019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094902111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88856本研究出於研究者本身對教具製作的興趣與指導教具製作選手的熱忱,在經過四次培訓教具製作選手的經驗後,深感缺乏培訓競賽選手的參考資料,因此,藉研究者第五次培訓教具製作選手的機會,回顧與省思前四次的培訓經驗,研擬新的培訓策略後,透過第五次實際實施培訓策略的行動研究,試圖建立較佳的培訓策略具體做法提供相關指導老師參考。 在研究者回顧與省思前四次的培訓經驗中,就培訓選手所需改善、加強的能力一一列出,加以分析、歸納,提出培訓教具製作選手的三大核心能力─提升解題能力、激勵學習動機、降低失常表現,再依此研擬、實施、修正培訓策略。 實施結果,在全國高級中等學校九十七學年度家事類科學生技藝競賽教具製作組奪得團體組第一名的成績,教具製作選手肯定提升解題能力的培訓策略對其有實質的幫助,在激勵學習動機、降低失常表現的培訓策略亦有助益,但仍有須修正之處。An Action Research on the Strategies for Training Students in the Contest of Learning Aid Design. Abstract This research comes from the interests in the designing of the learning aids materials, and the enthusiasm in instructing contestants. Lacking referential data of teaching contestants after the experience of teaching them for 4 times, we therefore would like to review the training experiences of the first 4 times during the 5th opportunity for the contestants training, and summarize the latest training strategies. Through the practical training strategy implement, the better strategy model that we tries to establish privides for all related teachers to use as references. During the review of the first 4 times of the training experiences, we list all the abilities that students will need to improve and strengthen, then analyze them, generalize them, and put forward “The three core abilities” of training contestants to compete in the designing of learning aids—upgrade their problem-solving abilities, inspire their learning motivation, reducing abnormal performance, then set, implement, and revise the training strategies on the basis of the research. The result is:The champion group in year 2008 , contestants of learning aids design approved the training strategies to promote the problem-solving abilities. Though the strategies were much helpful and beneficial in inspiring learning motivation, reducing poor performance, but still need somemodifications. Key words: the contest of learning aid design, problem-solving ability, learning motivation, reducing abnormal performance, training strategies, action research技藝競賽解題能力學習動機失常表現培訓策略行動研究the contest of learning aid designproblem-solving abilitylearning motivationreducing abnormal performancetraining strategiesaction research技藝競賽教具製作選手培訓策略與實施成效之行動研究