許雪姬Hsueh-chi Hsu2019-08-122019-08-122016-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80639楊雲萍、陳逸松、呂赫若三人,可以說活在同一個世代。而他們所面對的時代,自青壯年皇民化時期,之後日本敗戰投降、國民黨的接收、二二八事件、國府撤退來臺、白色恐怖/冷戰時期,乃至解嚴,是一個最黑暗的時代,也是一個最光明的時代。生前他們三個人互相認識,惺惺相惜,也都是文化人,但性格有別、結局各有不同。本文利用三人留下的主要史料,參以當代人的旁證,以皇民化時期、戰後初期、二二八前後、白色恐怖這四個人生的階段來加以比較,以瞭解其共相與殊相。臺灣島在1895,1945年兩易其主,這三位臺灣菁英不能免於在中年改朝換代,各有因應方式,有的積極投入政界卻鳥盡弓藏,終究只是白忙一場;楊有機會進入公務系統,進行臺灣研究,卻因館撤而任臺大教職。呂赫若為推翻國民黨,加入共產黨,為了出版宣傳品,賣祖厝開印刷廠,直接投入反政府活動;卻因鍾浩東被捕,不得不進入武裝基地,從事危險的工作,終至意外喪生。1938年吳新榮說陳逸松是正義的使徒,楊雲萍是熱情的詩人,有異於吳新榮1938年的說法,筆者認為楊雲萍是良心的學者,呂赫若是正義的使徒,陳逸松呢?猶待資料更充分再論斷。Yang Yun-Ping, Chen Yi-Song and Lu He-Ruo can be said to have lived in the same period. Furthermore, the times that they had to confront - from the Japanization period in their youth, the surrender of Japan, the Kuomintang's (KMT, literally Chinese Nationalist Party) arrival in Taiwan, the February 28 Incident, the retreat of the Republic of China government to Taiwan, the White Terror / Cold War era, to the lifting of martial law - was a period of both darkness and light. Not only had they known and admired each other when they were alive, but they were also literary people - only with different characters and endings. To understand their common and unique characteristics, this study collects evidence from documents and contemporary people to make a comparison between them based on four stages of their lives (the Japanization period, early post-war period, before and after the February 28 Incident, and the White Terror period). As control of Taiwan changed hands in 1895 and 1945, these three Taiwanese elites were forced to face large transitions during their middle age and each had their method of responding to this change. Some had been highly involved in politics and ended up with empty hands. Yang had the opportunity to work in the public sector to carry out studies of Taiwan, eventually accepting a teaching at National Taiwan University. Lu He-Ruo on the other hand joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) to overthrow the KMT; and, to publish anti-government propaganda materials, sold inherited properties to build a printing plant. Later, because Chung Hao-Tung was arrested, Lu had to enter an army base and engage in dangerous work, ultimately dying in an accident. In 1938, Wu Sin-Rong said that Chen Yi-Song was a missionary of justice and Yang Yun-Ping was a passionate poet. In contrast to Wu's statement, the author thinks that Yang was a conscientious scholar and Lu was a missionary of justice. How about Chen Yi-Song? We shall collect more information in ord楊雲萍陳逸松呂赫若皇民化時期戰後初期二二八事件白色恐怖Yang Yun-PingChen Yi-SongLu He-RuoJapanization PeriodEarly Post-war PeriodFebruary 28 IncidentWhite Terror楊雲萍、陳逸松、呂赫若這三個文化人與他們的時代Yang Yun-Ping, Chen Yi-Song and Lu He-Ruo and Their Times