陳哲銘黃惠鈴2019-08-292011-5-92019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597231112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94219九年一貫教育目標旨在培養學生帶得走的基本能力,生活化的地理教育更是希望養成學生將地理知識應用於生活之中,其中野外使用地圖能力是每個學生所必須具備的基本能力之一。在過去研究中,為了知道學生是否達到學習目標或具備相關地圖能力,主要是由紙筆測驗來進行評估,較缺乏地圖使用行為的實證研究。本研究目的是設計相關地圖應用能力的任務實驗,以直接觀察學生在野外利用地圖進行尋路行為的成效,藉此評估其能力,提供未來教育的參考。 本研究採量化分析與質性訪談,研究方法使用參與式觀察法,透過本研究結果發現︰國中生在地圖應用能力指標達成率上,雖有80%的學生完成,但其中20%的學生是需要透過實作練習後,才能單獨完成任務;在性別差異上,男生的操作能力高於女生,因此針對女生應更重視實作教學的安排來增進其地圖應用能力。就空間能力差異,空間能力高的學生在地圖使用表現上均優於空間能力低的,比例尺計算上亦具有顯著差異。然而在地理科成績表現方面,地理成績高低在各項地圖應用能力指標均不具顯著差異,表示不能以紙筆測驗的成績高低來代表其地圖應用能力的表現。此外,學生在實驗過程中發生迷失的狀況,主要來自於對比例尺與實際距離間的偏差;對等高線的研判、指北針的利用主動性偏低,甚至不會使用以及缺乏信心等,這些問題造成學生在過程中無法順利完成任務。根據本研究結果發現台灣地圖教育仍有不足之處,教學應增加實作課程,同時融入生活問題解決的課題,並建議未來對國中階段地圖能力指標、地圖能力評量設計、課程規劃等相關議題進行更深入的研究。The Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum aims at developing the basic ability that students can carry with. The practical geography education is to help students apply geographic knowledge to the life. Especially, the ability of using the map in the wild is one of the basic abilities that every student has to acquire. In the past studies, the paper-based tests were carried out to check if students had achieved the learning goals while the practical experiments were rare. The purpose of this study is to design a task-based experiment for students to experience. Therefore, the researcher can directly observe how students look for the way in the wild with the map, evaluate students’ ability, and provide an example for the future teaching. In this study, the quantitative analysis and the qualitative interview are adopted. The research method is participation observation. Through this study, the findings are listed in the following. First, although 80% of the participants complete every target for using the map, among the participants above, 20% of them cannot complete the targets by themselves without practical exercises. Second, for sexual differences, male participants use the map better than female participants. So, the practical teaching should be highlighted for the girls in order to improve their ability of using the map. Next, for the differences in spatial ability, the participants who have high spatial ability use the map better than those who have low spatial ability. At the same time, there is a clear difference in calculating the scale between the two groups above. Next, as for the aspect of geography grades, there is no clear relationship between the participants’ grades and all the targets for using the map. Moreover, the situation that students get lost during the task mainly result from the reasons such as the misunderstanding between the scale and the real distance, the low motive for considering a contour line and using a compass, and the lack of confidence. These problems make participants not be able to complete the task. Therefore, according to the results of the study, there is still a lack of the teaching and learning in using the map in Taiwan. The practical lessons and the problem-solving task should be involved in geography teaching. Besides, for the future geography lessons in junior high schools, the related studies such as the competence targets for using the map, the designing of evaluating students’ ability in using the map, and curriculum arrangements are suggested for the further discussion.地理教育地圖教育地圖應用能力定向運動尋路行為Geography educationCartographic educationability of using the mapOrienteeringWayfinding國中生野外使用地圖能力之研究