林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing何偉禎Ho, Wei-Chen2023-12-082025-08-062023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4dc7a0d0491900a727d881b165bbec3f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119026對以華語文為第二語言的學習者,在漢字識字學習上,相當有難度,總覺得每個字看上去都像是一個平面的圖畫,加上漢字字形結構的複雜性和相似性,在識讀過程中備感挫折。本研究的目的在探討鍵接圖教學法對以華語文為第二語言之初級兒童學習者的識字成效。採用「使用鍵接圖教學法」和「不使用鍵接圖教學法」來進行研究。研究對象為美國西雅圖一僑校的學生,年齡介於六~七歲,在美國的學校是小學一年級的學生。加上前後測、立即測驗、延宕測驗和實際教學實施,共十一週。 使用鍵接圖教學法是在一般教學法中再帶入將生字「圖像本身直接圖像」的方法,來讓學生學習生字。也就是用動畫方式呈現的圖像與生字的字形相似的概念,來讓學生維持對生字的記憶效果,達到更有效的識字教學以及學習興趣的提升。在鍵接圖教學法實驗教學後,研究結果顯示:一、使用鍵接圖教學法的學習成效,優於不使用鍵接圖教學法。二、使用鍵接圖教學法,可以提升學生的學習興趣。三、使用鍵接圖教學法,未能明顯增加學生的長期記憶,但對特定的學生呈現出顯著的效果。四、使用漢字圖活動可提升學生學習漢字的興趣。本研究可提供鍵接圖教學法,在未來探尋做為因材施教,適性教學的教學法之應用契機。For Chinese-as-foreign-language (CFL) learners, Chinese characters are analogous to pictures; combined with the complexities and similarities between certain characters, this can quickly frustrate learners. The aim of this thesis is to explore and discuss the effectiveness of the Key-image method in relation to the results shown by young beginner CFL learners and recognize the appeal of this method to new learners. Two different teaching methods, “Use Chinese Key-image method” and “Non-use Chinese character Key-image method” were used in this research. Participants were students from a Sunday school in the United States and their ages were around 6-7 years old. All participants experienced both teaching methods which included a pre-test, post-test, and delayed test. The total learning duration for both methods combined was 11 weeks. All participants took a questionnaire at the end of the research to display if they preferred the Key-image learning method over traditional learning methods. The major findings are as follows:1. The learning effectiveness of the “Use Key-image method” was greater than the “Non-use Key-image method”.2. The Key-image method elevated students’ learning interest.3. The improved effectiveness on long-term character recollection using the “Use Key-image method” was not significant in the overall sample group but did show a significant improvement in effectiveness for a select few learners.4. Chinese Character Pictures elevated interest for learning Chinese characters.The results of this study can provide a reference for future teachings of Chinese characters to Chinese-as-foreign-language learners.鍵接圖教學法識字能力漢字學習漢字教學Key-image methodChinese Character LearningCharacter RecognitionChinese Character Teaching鍵接圖教學運用於初級兒童學習者識字的成效研究 - 以「美洲華語」教材為例Researching the Effectiveness of Teaching through Key-image Method Application on Young Beginner Chinese Learners - Case Study of MeiZhou Chineseetd