王梅玲張薏婷Mei-Ling Wang, Yi-Ting Chang2020-09-032020-09-032017-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108977大學圖書館使用整合式圖書館系統以支援館員工作與提供讀者檢索服務,十分重要,尤其面臨數位時代許多變革挑戰,需要從館員觀點進行整合式圖書館系統評鑑,以提升圖書館經營與服務效益。整合式圖書館系統服務品質評鑑可以了解館員對系統的期望與滿意度,從兩者落差瞭解整合式圖書館系統服務的優點與缺點。本研究旨在探討大學整合式圖書館系統服務品質因素,並應用評鑑整合式圖書館系統;分析館員對系統的期望、滿意度與服務品質看法,以評定是否為優良服務。本論文採用訪談法、服務品質評鑑法與問卷調查法,經由文獻探討與專家訪談建構整合式圖書館系統服務品質因素與評量表。問卷採用服務品質評鑑評量表,調查政治大學圖書館館員對於整合式圖書館系統的期望、滿意度與服務品質看法。本研究提出整合式圖書館系統服務品質評量表,涵蓋四構面及34 個指標,包括功能與模組構面八指標、檢索與介面構面八指標、服務與支援構面十指標、與系統品質八指標。問卷調查結果顯示館員對於整合式圖書館系統整體重要性看法平均分數為4.22,整體滿意度為3.21,二者落差為-1.01,顯示館員認為整合式圖書館系統相當重要,但不滿意,服務品質不優良。館員最重視系統功能與模組構面,其次是系統品質構面、檢索與介面構面館員最滿意系統功能與模組構面,但最不滿意服務與支援構面。本研究證實整合式圖書館系統服務品質評量表具可行性,並提出受測者對整合式圖書館系統最重視的十項服務與服務品質最差的十項服務,提供圖書館參考。Integrated library systems (ILS) supporting librarian’s work and providing user’s information retrieval efficiently are important. Especially, in the digital age, libraries face many changes, integrated library systems evaluation will help to improve efficiency in the development of automation systems. The service quality evaluation can reveal expectations, satisfaction, and perceived service quality on integrated library systems from the perspective of the librarians. This article aims to investigate service quality evaluation of integrated library systems at universities libraries, to explore ILS service quality model, to survey librarians’ expectations, satisfaction, and perceived service quality. Research methods used include literature review, service quality evaluation, and questionnaire survey. The ILS service quality model is constructed using the literature review and experts interviewing, which consists of four dimensions and 34 indicators: function and modules, access and interface, service support, and system quality. Based on the model, questionnaires designed are sent to the librarians at the National Chengchi University Library in 2015. This study shows that the librarians regard ILS as an important system, with the overall average being 4.22 in the Likert scale, overall satisfaction average being 3.21, and perceived service quality ‐1.01. This implies that the librarians agree that the ILS is very important, but they are dissatisfied with the current ILS and its poor service quality. The system function and modules dimension is the most important from the survey, followed by access and interface dimension.The function and modules dimension is most satisfactory, but service support dimension is the most unsatisfactory. As a result, the study shows that the proposed service quality model of integrated library systems is feasible; besides, the researchers point out ten most desirable ILS services and ten poorest service quality of ILS services, which ar整合式圖書館系統圖書館自動化服務品質評鑑大學圖書館Integrated Library SystemLibrary AutomationService Quality EvaluationUniversity Libraries大學圖書館整合式圖書館系統服務品質評鑑研究Service Quality Assessment for Integrated Library Systems at University Libraries