吳正己吳致平WU Jhih-Ping2019-08-292016-8-282019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060108023E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92863本研究設計一套輔助學生學習立體三視圖的擴增實境系統,並進行教學實驗以評估這套系統的使用效益。本研究採用設計研究法(Design-based Research),發展的系統包括兩個功能:(1)用平板電腦掃瞄實境立體(由數個小正方體積木堆疊而成)時,可以在螢幕上顯示其擴增的前視、右視、及俯視等三視圖,以輔助學生觀察畫出立體的三視圖。(2)用平板電腦掃描實境的前視、右視、及俯視等三視圖(由圖卡組成),可以顯示擴增的立體圖形,以輔助學生由三視圖組合成對應的立體圖像。系統評估的對象為台北市某國中三年級兩個班級的學生,分為實驗組22人,控制組20人,共計42人,兩班皆為常態編班。以立體三視圖為學習單元,實驗時間為兩堂課,每堂45分鐘,最後並以成就測驗及問卷瞭解學生的學習成效及對系統的使用態度及看法。 本研究發現:(1)兩組學生的學習成就並沒有達到顯著差異,但實驗組學生認為擴增實境學習系統能夠幫助他們產生幾何圖形的心像;(2)擴增實境學習系統,並不能特別增進學生的學習興趣;(3)擴增實境並未能特別提升學生的學習滿意度。本研究發展之系統在辨識圖卡的速度及掃瞄立體積木的角度扔可進一步改善,以提升其輔助學習效果。The purposes of this study were to develop and evaluate an augmented reality (AR) toolto help students learning Three-dimensional views. We adopted the Design-based Research method in this study.The AR tool was developed with two functions. One is when students use the tablet to scan three-dimensional object, the augmented three-dimensional views of the object will appear on the screen. The other is when students use the tablet to scan the three-dimensional views cards, the corresponding three-dimensional object will show on the screen. The participants for our experiment to evaluate the AR toolwere 42 junior third grade students, with 22 students in experimental group and 20 students in control group. Our findings showed that students considered the augmented reality learning tool is helpful for their imagine themental imagery. However, neither the AR tool increased students’ motivation for learning nor it promoted students’ satisfaction on learning activities. The less effective of our AR tool may be due to the limited scanning angle of the system. Future studies should improve the features of the AR tool so that the effects of it can be maximized.擴增實境幾何立體三視圖Augmented RealityGeometryThree-dimension view以擴增實境輔助立體三視圖之學習Learning Three-dimensional Views with Augmented Reality