國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所潘淑滿劉曉春陳柏彥蕭茲涵黎育銓2014-12-272014-12-272009/06/03http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43015隨著全球化跨國人口流動的發展趨勢,外籍配偶婚姻移民逐漸成為學術研究議題與政府各項施政、政策與服務措施規劃的重點。然而,有關外籍配偶相關議題的討論,大都著重於公民身分、國境管理、工作權與多元文化社會建構的理念,甚少討論有關外籍配偶的社會福利權。少數有關外籍配偶社會福利權的討論,又多著重於以問題導向,以子女教養、婚姻暴力與福利依賴等議題為主,甚少討論社會工作與多元文化社會的關連,如何建構社會福利制度以符合多元文化社會的需求,或社會工作人員在多元文化社會中應扮演甚麼樣的角色與功能。因此,本研究將著重於探討在多元文化社會中,社會工作人員與外籍配偶家庭服務的互動關係。 本研究之研究目的有下列幾項: 1. 檢視國外有關(新)移民家庭服務內涵與實務工作模式。 2. 評估目前各縣市「外籍配偶家庭服務中心」實際運作現況、中心之定位、及服務內涵與困境。 3. 探討社會工作人員提供外籍配偶家庭相關服務過程之經驗與困難,進而思考外籍配偶家庭服務中心的網絡建立、服務流程與策略,及社會工作人員在服務過程應扮演的角色、功能與工作模式之建構。 4. 建構符合本土需求與區域特性的外籍配偶家庭服務之社會工作功能與工作模式。 5. 結合公私部門資源促進多元文化社會目標之建立。Over the past decade, issues regarding new immigrant families have become a concern by both academic researchers and policy makers in Taiwan. However, most discussions have been centered on citizenships and mobilization of labor but rather on social welfare. Even such as discussions on welfare rights, there are problem-oriented and largely directed to issues of parenting function, domestic violence, and welfare dependency. There is little discussions on the correlated between social work professionals and multicultural societies as well as what kind of roles should social workers play when they provide services for these new immigrant families. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as follows, 1. To examine the service models of the centers for new immigrant families around the nation of Taiwan. 2. To understand the current situations of the center for new immigrant families and experiences of social workers who provide services for new immigrant families. 3. To construct effective service models and defining social worker’s roles in the center for new immigrant families. 4. To achieve a multicultural society.外籍配偶家庭服務中心社會工作角色服務模式多元文化社會資源網絡New immigrant family service centersocial worker’s rolesservice modelsmulticultural societyresource networks從事外籍配偶家庭服務之社會工作角色定位與服務模式建構之探討-以外籍配偶家庭服務中心為例An exploratory study of social worker’s roles and service models: