曾永清林安邦何佳蓉Yung-Ching TsengAn-Pang LinChia-Rong Ho2019-08-122019-08-122015-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82180本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學教師人權教育素養與權力運用類型之關係。本研究採調查研究法,共獲得有效問卷639份,進行卡方檢定與事後多重比較、多元羅吉特迴歸分析、典型相關等方式分析。本研究結果如下:新北市國中教師權力運用類型以規範型為主,其次是強制型權力,最少使用的是利酬型;根據多元羅吉特迴歸分析得知,國中教師人權教育素養對教師權力運用類型具有足夠的解釋力,其中以「人權教育技能」層面為區別「強制型」與「規範型」之顯著影響變項「人權教育認知」層面為區別「利酬型」與「規範型」之顯著影響變項。典型負荷數值分析指出,以「人權教育態度」為自變量來預測規範型變量時,預測的效果較為好些;「人權教育認知」較低的教師,呈現較採行利酬型權力類型,教師會以物質資源來引導學生遵守團體規範。The purposes of this study were aimed to examine the relationship between current literacy of human rights education and the types of power for junior high school teachers in NewTaipeiCity. The study is conducted with questionnaires based on literature review and related empirical studies, and 639 valid questionnaires. According to the answers given by the respondents, data were analyzed by chi-square test, multi-nominal logistic regression and canonical correlation. The main findings were summarized as follows: the type most frequently used by junior high school teachers in NewTaipeiCity is normative power type, followed by coercive power type, and the remunerative power type is the least. Multi-nominal logistic regression model analysis indicates that the teachers’ human rights education literacy has ample explanation to the type of teachers’ power. Teachers’ human rights education cognition can differentiate remunerative power type from normative power type, and their human rights education skills can differentiate remunerative power type from normative power type. The canonical loading reflect that teachers’ attitude on human rights education are the good predictors of their normative power type, teachers with lower human rights education cognition tend to have remunerative power type.人權教育素養多元羅吉特迴歸分析權力運用類型literacy of human rights educationmulti-nominal logistic regressiontype of teachers’ power國中教師人權教育素養與權力運用類型關係之研究-以新北市國中教師為例The Study on the Correlation between the Literacy of Human Rights Education and the Type of Power for Junior High School Teachers