周珮儀2019-08-122019-08-122000-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82013本研究要以英美國家當前的教育改革經驗為焦點,首先探討其左派與右派的政治意識型態,繼而分析兩者教育政策的爭議關鍵所在,再者探索企圖跳脫左右對立的中間路線的教育政策;最後結論提出:無論是自由主義、社會主義、保守主義、第三途徑等等,它們的教育政策都有其立場,都有其洞見與限制,也各有其多重策略聯盟的可能性。無論是決策者或社會大眾,對於各種教育政策的正當性,都必須再三反省思考。我國向來缺乏左右對峙的傳統,特別是缺乏左派能不斷以社會公平與正義的規準來對執政者提出諍言,新政府的教育政策更要留心以自由、效率和經濟掛帥的迷思。The focus of this study is the experience of the current educational reforms in the U.S.A. and Britain. First, this article attempts to investigate the political right’s and the political left’s ideologies. Then analyze the points of debates involving their educational policies, and the third way as mediator. Implications in educational policies in the R.O.C. are discussed in concluding remarks. Liberalism, socialism, conservatism and the third way, as foundational ideologies of educational policies, their positions are both productive and limited, and they can combine tactically in manifold types. Education policy makers and the masses must examine the legality of educational policies. There has not been the tradition of confrontation between the Right and the Left in the R.O.C. The left especially emphasizes the equitable and just issues that should not be absent in educational policies of the new government that accentuates liberty, efficiency and economic development.教育改革教育政策新右派第三途徑Educational policiesEducational reformsThe new rightThe third way教育政策的兩難Educational Policies in a Dilemma--Examples of the Current Educational Reforms in the U.S.A. and Britain