李瑛郭淑婕KUO SHU JIE2019-08-292016-08-012019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698020026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92471本研究以中原大學一百學年度第二學期大學部學生為調查對象,旨在了解中原大學學生靈性健康情形,以及生命教育相關課程的影響。本研究兼採用量化與質性研究,首先以「天、人、物、我」四類課程中與生命教育相關之17 門課程的1722 位學生為問卷調查對象,以「學生靈性健康量表」問卷進行調查,收回有效問卷1029 份,主要運用描述性統計、單因子變異數、薛費事後比較等統計方法分析。深度訪談部分則選出修課學生靈性健康成績達到顯著性的四位授課老師為對象。學生深度訪談則以個人靈性健康分數在前10%,且至少修畢「天、人、物、我」各一門課的七位學院代表為訪談對象。 根據研究結果彙整本研究結論如下: 一、中原大學學生靈性健康情形屬於中高,在靈性健康七個面向中以「感懷自然」分數最高,而「宗教寄託」分數最低。學生的性別、宗教、學院、家庭氣氛、校園活動參與次數、校園生活滿意情形、人際關係、生命重大事件都會影響他們的靈性健康。 二、必修課「宗教哲學」以及選修課「天、人、我」三類課程都有顯著性,並在事後比較顯出有修課的學生分數高於未曾修課的學生。 三、四位授課教師的教學理念及生命歷練,透過生命教育課程實踐,能影響學生的生命價值與意義,有助於學生靈性健康的發展。 四、受訪的七位學院學生代表從選課動機以及轉化學習的過程,顯示生命教育相關課程對於其靈性健康的影響。 基於上述研究發現,中原大學融入生教育的「天、人、物、我」通識課程,是一種奠基在「關係」上所建構的課程,的確在台灣各大學通識教育中獨樹一格,而且對於學生靈性健康的發展有所助益,值得其他大學仿效。本研究並對相關單位及後續研究提出建議。The purpose of the study was to explore the overall spiritual health of the students in Chung Yung Christian University(CYCU), and to assess the influence derived from general curricula relating to life education. A quantitative analysis was employed with a particular survey entitled “Students’ Spiritual Health Survey” and conducted among 1029 students coming from 17 different courses relating to life education. In-depth interviews were carried out for both faculty and students involved to further explore on the impacts of teachers’teaching philosophies and practice upon students as well as other background factors that helped derive better learning efficacies on students’ spiritual health. The findings of the research were summarized as follows: 1. The overall spiritual health of CYCU students scored at middle-high level. The “nature caring” scale is ranked highest among the seven scales extracted in this survey, while the “religion entrustment” scale is ranked lowest. Students’ backgrounds, learning motivations and life education related courses they have taken all give rise to significant influence upon their spiritual health. 2. Significant differences surfaced between students who had taken the required course “Philosophy of religion” and those who had not; significant differences also emerged in certain curricula in those three categories including heavenly relationship, interpersonal relationship, and self relationship, with higher scores exclusively for those students who had taken the above courses. 3. The teaching philosophy, curriculum program, and personal life experience of the four faculty members selected do effectively facilitate success in imparting the value and meaning of life into students. 4. From the viewpoints of the seven students representing the seven colleges in CYCU, the life education curricula do enhance students’ spiritual health through their transformative learning. Based on the above findings, the unique role of the general curriculum structure in CYCU is commendable in Taiwan’s higher education from this life educational perspective. Suggestions for better performance are stressed as well, including a further strengthening on the quality of teachers and programs in “Philosophy of life”, the opening up of more courses directly relating to ‘relationship’ per se, the enhancement on teaching hardware and technology support, the improvement of the design in campus activities, and the upgrading on students’ participation willingness of campus life. Topics for further research are also discussed.生命教育靈性健康生命意義轉化學習life educationspiritual healthlife meaningtransformative learning生命教育相關課程與學生靈性健康之研究-以中原大學為例The Impacts of Life Education Courses upon Students’ Spiritual Health—