陳明輝 洪紹文 張鎮璿 王俊隆 林正忠 林荀龍 鄭清福 涂青宇 林育興 許添桓 王渭賢Ming-Hui Chen, Shao-Wen Hung, Chen-Hsuan Chang, Jun-Long Wang, Cheng-Chung Lin,Shiun-Long Lin, Chin-Fu Cheng, Ching-Yu Tu, Yu-Hsing Lin, Tien-Huan Hsu,Way-Shyan Wang2014-10-272014-10-272012-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/69442011 年五月間南投縣家畜疾病防治所送檢該縣內某七彩神仙魚養殖場之七彩神仙魚(Symophysodon sp.)75 尾,發現其中許多七彩神仙魚頭部外觀大小正常,體態瘦弱,送檢魚隻無論品系與體型大小(體長1 吋之幼魚至體長5 吋之成魚)在其頭部與鰓蓋均發現有許多具有對稱性且大小不一的線性潰瘍灶,且該養殖場畜主表示並未見到因該病引起之大量死亡。剖檢後發現其體壁變薄,且內臟所佔體積變小,腹腔脂肪消失。切片下可見病灶處表皮壞死但無發炎之情形,且病變區硬骨之骨骼細胞外間質染色淡而界線模糊不清。在某些病魚之部分肝臟、頭腎與後腎、卵巢、腸管與脾臟等臟器共可見總數約數十個慢性肉芽腫。病魚經改變飼料配方後其體型日漸飽滿且潰瘍灶漸漸回復正常。最終診斷為七彩神仙魚之長期營養不良與多發性慢性肉芽腫。Seventy-five discus fishes from a hatchery farm in the Nantou were presented to the National Chung Hsing University by the Nantou County Animal Disease Control Center in May. They showed signs of emaciation, and symmetric linear ulcers of varying sizes were found in the head and operculum, regardless of their size (from 1 inch juveniles to 5 inch adults) and species. The pond owner has not observed an abnormal mortality rate of the discus fish. Physical examination revealed emaciation and normal size of the head. The results of necropsy showed thinning of the body wall, abnormally small-sized organs, and absence of adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity. The results of microscopic examination indicated the epithelium necrosis without inflammation. The interstitium around the skeletal cells of the bone in the lesion area was poorly stained with a blurred margin. Moreover, a few dozens of chronic granuloma could be seen around the liver, kidney, ovary, intestine, and spleen. The fish recovered from emaciation and the ulcer healed after laboratory personnel changed the feed formulation. The final diagnosis was long term malnutrition and multiple chronic granuloma in discus fish.七彩神仙魚頭洞症肉芽腫營養不良discus fishhole-in-the-headgranulomamalnutrition七彩神仙魚(Symophysodon sp.)之長期營養不良與多發性慢性肉芽腫Long Term Malnutrition and Multiple Chronic Granuloma in Discus Fish (Symohysodon sp.)