吳美玲陳志軒Mei-Ling Wu, Chin-Hsuan Chen2020-09-032020-09-032019-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109270雷特氏症候群是一種嚴重損害兒童身心發展的罕見疾病,主要影響者為女性。嬰幼時期發病後智力與肢體動作能力全面性且皆逐漸地退化,尤其是溝通表達的能力對日後的學習發展阻礙甚深。研究證據指出音樂活動可以提升學習動機與溝通能力。但目前針對雷特氏症溝通能力的相關介入課程研究與效用仍不明確,因此本研究藉由音樂活動結合溝通訓練來探究此類教學方式對雷特氏症學童的溝通能力改善成效為何。本研究採取單一個案研究 A-B-A' 設計,對象分別為二名7 歲與11 歲無口語雷特氏症女童,每周進行2 次教學並持續4 個月,過程中記錄研究對象的溝通回應次數,並輔以資料包含教師與家長的調查問卷,研究結果顯示雷特氏症學童對於音樂活動介入後其溝通回應的次數增加,並具有維持的效果,社會效度中獲得家長與教師的肯定。Rett Syndrome is a rare and complex neurogenic disease, and has an influence onones’ cognitive and healthy development negatively and severely, furthermore whichprimarily affects females. The intelligence and physical movements are deterioratedcomprehensively and gradually since the onset at the period of infants and youngchildren. Besides, poor communication ability is a barrier to their learning. Thepast studies showed that music activities could enhance the motivation of learningand communication. However, the effectiveness of instruction intervention ontheir communication was still unclear. The purpose of this study was to explore theeffectiveness of intervention with music activities on communication ability among thestudents with Rett Syndrome. The single design with A-B-A' was applied, and therewere two female students with Rett Syndrome participated in this study. The interventionof the training was implemented for twice a week and maintained for 4 months. Thecommunication response rate was recorded, and the qualitative data was collected fromteachers and parents during the process. The results showed that the communicationresponse was improved significantly and the effectiveness of the intervention wassatisfied.雷特氏症音樂活動溝通能力Rett Syndromemusic activitiescommunication ability以音樂活動介入增進無口語雷特氏症學童溝通能力之成效Enhancing the Ability of Communication for Studentswith Rett Syndrome with Music Activities