國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所吳心楷許瑛玿黃福坤2014-12-022014-12-022007-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42822科學建模已被科教社群視為重要的學習及教學活動,但是科學建模是個複雜的過 程,學生必須分析系統中各變數,建立變數間的關係,監控建模過程,並透過模擬結果 來修正原模式。由於在教室環境中,個別教師能提供的支援有限,在此複雜而學生可能 無法獨力完成的學習過程中,科技工具能提供的鷹架更顯重要。子計畫三即在深入瞭解 建模工具中的功能,尤其是以表徵方式呈現的鷹架 (representational scaffold),如何扮 演輔助建模的角色,以幫助學生在近側發展區內,完成原本無法獨力完成的複雜學習任 務。計畫第一年將進行專家生手研究,以仔細比較科學家(或是博士班研究生)與高中 生建模過程的差異並探討生手建模的困難,將針對生困難設計建模工具中的鷹架功能。 計畫第二年將進行前導性研究,透過學生建模及鷹架使用行為的分析,改進學習模組內 容及鷹架設計。計畫第三年將進一步以比較性研究(有無表徵式鷹架存在的兩種狀況) 瞭解鷹架對學生建模過程的影響。研究結果將深入釐清工具設計、科學學習與表徵鷹架 間的關係,並豐富鷹架理論在學習科技方面的應用。Modeling of complex systems and phenomena is of value in science learning and increasingly emphasized as an important component of science teaching and learning. However, modeling is a complex process and high school students need substantial support to create meaningful scientific models. The purposes of this project are to explore students’ needs for scaffolding when they construct a scientific model that describes phenomena in atmospheric sciences and to design representational scaffolds for modeling. During the first year of the project, an expert-novice study was conducted to explore the needs of high school students by comparing differences in modeling practices among atmospheric scientists, non-atmospheric scientists, and high school students. We found that comparing to the high school students, atmospheric scientists’ modeling practices involved identifying and defining all major variables that influence air pollutant dispersion, analyzing relationships among these variables, using theories to justify their plan, and designing feasible and theory-driven investigations. Instead of focusing on phenomena and individual relationships, they used model-based reasoning to generate conclusions. Additionally, they realized the limitations of their findings and generalized their conclusion to new situations cautiously. Based on these findings, we are designing a modeling tool to support high school students’ modeling process.科學建模鷹架學習科技modelingscaffoldinglearning technology鷹架式建模數位學習環境對學生科學學習影響之研究-子計畫三:表徵式鷹架對學生科學建模的影響之研究 (2/3)An Investigation of the Effects of Representational Scaffolds on Scientific Modeling (II)