林佳蓉Lin, Jia-rong2016-04-262016-04-262014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77159本文以張炎《山中白雲詞》書寫關於地域空間的詞作作為研究對象,主要分析地域空間轉換的外在經歷過程,對其內在生命產生的影響,特別是「家園意識」在詞作中所凸顯的意義。張炎是宋元之際的遺民詞人,在歷經時代裂變,家族毀滅之後,如何藉由「詞」此一體裁的書寫,以逆轉現實的困境,維繫生命存在的意義。故本文將深入張炎詞作的核心,試圖剝開其漂泊江湖,最後回歸家園故地的心路歷程。本文擬從「世居/棲居/閒居之地的空間對照與家園」,「傾聽中的家園意識」,與「陶淵明式的家園圖象」等方面,探討張炎詞中的家園意識在地域轉移的流動過程中所呈顯的意義,以及呈現自我存在的方式。期使藉由本文的探討,為張炎詞作重構出地域流動的圖景,彰顯其中的內涵,並揭示文學與地方多樣可能的對話空間。This thesis takes its object of study from Zhang Yan’s “Ci concerning White Clouds in the Mount”(《山中白雲詞》) in which the Ci presenting the locii’s spaces. It mainly analyzes both the external passage of drift of places and its impact on the inner life, especially focuses on the homeland consciousness implicit in the Ci and its meaning. Zhang Yan is a remainder Ci writer during the Song-Yuen period, who had suffered the change of the regime and destruction of the family, and tried to revert the impasse of the reality and maintaining the meaning of existential life by way of writing Ci. Hence this thesis will exploit the core of his Ci, and penetrates into the life-consciousness process in his drifting, wandering life which results in returning to the homeland. It tries to investigates the meaning of homeland consciousness of his Ci manifest in the passage of drifting of places and his way of presenting self-existence by ways of three perspectives: 1. the contrast between homeland and the locii of habitation of generations (世居), of dwelling (棲居), of leisure (閑居); 2. homeland consciousness in attentive listening; 3. homeland Imago of Tao-Yuen-Ming style. This thesis hopes that it can accomplish the following goals: reconstructing the pictures of drifting of locii in Zhang Yan’s Ci, presenting the intent within it, and exploring the dialogical spaces between writing and possible worlds of the locii.張炎山中白雲詞遺民詞人家園意識Zhang Yan“Ci concerning White Clouds in the Mount”remainder Ci writerhomeland consciousness論張炎詞中地域的轉移及其家園意識Regional Migration and the Homeland Consciousness in Zhang Yan’s Ci