呂春盛Leu, Chuen-Sheng莊雯樺Chuang, Wen-Hua2024-12-172024-06-262024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/52a9c0c274655de8ecf80f9644d090b2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122891本文主要針對南朝境內的外國商人活動,以及外國移民聚落等議題進行探討。史籍中可見來自四方的外國商人在南朝各地進行商貿活動。以外國商人輸入之舶來品而言,沿海的交州、廣州大多流入來自南亞、東南亞的商品,內陸的益州大多流入來自波斯、西域一帶的商品,這些商品再透過南朝的水道流通至長江中游的荊州以及下游的揚州一帶。以外國移民而言,其類型大致可分為三類,一是外國商人因經商於南朝定居;二是外國僧人因傳教於南朝長居;三則是因戰亂而移居至南方的外國移民及其後代。透過對於西域何氏家族、康居康氏家族,以及月支後裔支氏家族進行探討,可大致推估南朝外國移民聚落的發展情形。而外國族群與南朝境內不同群體(皇室、官員、僧人、一般民眾)也具有互動關係。另外,外國商人的商貿活動受到南朝政府頒布之政策影響。南朝政府對待外國移民的態度,或許將其視為「非編戶」對待,透過南北朝政權對於外國族群政策之比較,可見南北朝政權在對待外國族群政策上各有不同方針。過去研究經常強調南朝保持所謂的「漢文化」以及「中國傳統」,然而透過南朝境內外國族群對於南朝造成的影響進行探討,可知南朝的社會經濟以及藝術文化亦會受到外國族群之影響,而具有多元色彩。This thesis primarily discusses the activities of foreign merchants and the foreign immigrant settlements in the Southern Dynasties. Historical records indicate that merchants from various countries engaged in commercial activities throughout the territories of the Southern Dynasties. Goods imported by foreign merchants to the coastal towns like Jiaozhou and Guangzhou, mainly came from South Asia and Southeast Asia, while those in inland towns such as Yizhou predominantly came from Persia and the Western Regions. These goods, through waterways, were then transported to Jingzhou, a town in the middle of the Yangtze River, and subsequently to the downstream area around Yangzhou.Foreign immigrants during this period can generally be categorized into three groups: merchants who settled in the Southern Dynasties due to their commercial activities, monks who resided in the Southern Dynasties for missionary work, and immigrants and their descendants who moved to the southern regions due to wars and rebellions. By studying the families such as the He family from the Western Regions, the Kang family of the Sogdiana, and the descendants of the Yuezhi known as the Zhi family, we can roughly estimate the development of foreign immigrant settlements in the Southern Dynasties. These foreign ethnic groups also interacted with various groups within the Southern Dynasties, including the royal family, officials, monks, and the general populace.Furthermore, the commercial activities of foreign merchants were influenced by the policies enacted by the Southern Dynasties' government. The Southern Dynasties' government treated foreign immigrants as "non-registered residents" (非編戶). Comparing the policies towards foreign ethnic groups of the Southern and Northern Dynasties reveals distinct approaches, with Southern Dynasties’ policies differing significantly from those of the Northern Dynasties. Past studies have often emphasized that the Southern Dynasties maintained a so-called "Han culture" and "Chinese tradition." However, by examining the influence of foreign ethnic groups within and outside the Southern Dynasties, it becomes evident that the social, economic, artistic, and cultural spheres of the Southern Dynasties were also impacted by these foreign ethnic groups. The Southern Dynasties exhibited a diverse spectrum. Thus, the society of the Southern Dynasties developed differently and exhibited a unique cultural blend.南朝對外貿易胡商外國商人移民聚落粟特絲綢之路祆教佛教荊楚歲時記Southern DynastiesForeign TradeHu ShangForeign MerchantsImmigrant SettlementSogdianSilk RoadZoroastrianismBuddhismJingchu Suishiji南朝境內外國商人之活動與其移民聚落The Activities of Foreign Merchants and Foreign Immigrant Settlements in the Southern Dynasties學術論文