胡心慈Hu, Shin-Tzu卓美婷Cho, Mei-Ting2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060009006E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91458本研究採質性研究法,透過半結構的深度訪談方式,訪談二名研究參與者,以探究寄養父母教養特殊需求兒童歷程的經驗與其心路歷程。在文本分析上採用時間序的方式編排主題,以了解寄養父母教養特殊需求兒童悲喜交加的教養歷程。 本研究的發現與結論如下: 一、在寄養安置前期─探索階段:在特殊需求兒童的安置初期,「家人支援程度」與「安置對象負荷度」是造成寄養父母是寄養安置初期心理壓力的重要因素;而寄養父母認為「觀察」特殊需求兒童不只是表面的觀看,而需要透過各種情境與方式,以更真實的了解特殊兒童的全貌。 二、寄養安置中期─調適階段:在特殊需求兒童教養方面,寄養父母能調適自我情緒,並能依循「特殊需求兒童的個別情形」調整教養方式與步伐;在寄養父母自我調適方面,影響其順利調適的相關因素可歸納為具有內控歸因的心理特質、以正向觀點定義處境、對特殊兒童抱持合理期待、擁有充足的相關專業能力,以及適時尋求社會支持系統等五項因素。 三、結束寄養安置─分離階段:寄養父母離情干擾受三項因素所影響,分別為「特殊兒童的年齡」、「對寄養父母的稱呼」,及「連結緊密或特別投契的特殊兒童」。 四、教養特殊需求兒童的經驗帶給寄養父母正向的意義,寄養父母從中獲得自我肯定與成長。 最後根據研究結果,針對寄養父母教養特殊需求兒童相關議題提出建議,以供相關單位及寄養工作者參考。Qualitative research was adopted in this study, with "semi-structured interview" being used to interview two study participants for the purpose of exploring adoptive parents fostering children with special needs course experiences as well as their mentality. In the chapter of literature review, all topics are well arranged, in sequential order, to understand the bittersweet journey of foster parents fostering children with special needs. Findings and conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The early stage of settlement ─ exploration: In the early stage of settlement, children with special needs, " the degree of family assistance" and " the burden degree of settlement object "are main factors increasing mental stress of foster parents; foster parents, to understand children with special needs from all aspects, believe that it is not only necessary to observe children’s behaviors on the surface, but also to observe children in all kind of situations and with different ways. 2.The mid-term foster care settlement stage ─Adjustment:In the aspect of the upbringing of children with special needs, parents can adjust attitudes towards children with special needs and alter their ways and pace of upbringing to suit individual cases of children. In terms of foster parents’ self-adjustment, factors affecting its adaptation can be summarized as follows: Internal attribution of psychological traits, positive views towards different circumstances, having reasonable expectations of children with special needs,having sufficient relevant expertise, and timely seeking supports from social systems. 3.The terminal foster care settlement stage ─separation:Foster parents’ feeling at separation could be affected by three factors, namely " the age of special children ", "title of adoptive parents" and "close links or special tune with special children." 4.Parenting children with special needs experience to foster parents positive significance, foster parents derive self-affirmation and growth. Finally, based on the research results, suggestion concerning" adoptive parents fostering children with special needs-related" topics are raised for consultation of relevance units and fostering workers.寄養家庭寄養兒童寄養父母特殊需求兒童教養經驗children with special needsfoster childrenfoster familyfoster parentsparenting experience寄養父母教養特殊需求兒童經驗之探討A Study on the Experience of Foster Parents who Care for Children with Special Needs