曾肅良蔡芯圩TSAI,HSIN-YU2020-12-102009-8-222020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600198%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115327自從二十世紀以來,中國各地不斷考古發掘唐朝墓葬,其中部分墓葬不僅有出現眾多精美的陪葬品,另更有大量精美壁畫之裝飾。據目前考古成果,這些壁畫墓葬大致上可分為四個區域,分別為北方一帶、關中洛陽一帶、南方以及西北等地。而這些壁畫墓葬內容豐富,有星象、建築、人物、花草鳥獸等各類題材,其中不乏出現「樹下人物」圖像。而這些「樹下人物」圖像乍看之下似乎沒有什麼特殊,但若分析唐朝壁畫墓的「樹下人物」圖像,可發現其種類、形式表現及圖像配置之方式極多元豐富,也代表了唐朝墓葬壁畫裝飾的多樣性。 另外於天平時代的日本出現一個「樹下美人」形式之屏風,為今日正倉院所收藏的〈鳥毛立女屏風〉,與上述唐朝壁畫墓之壁畫相對照,風格形式都非常接近,基本可判斷日本〈鳥毛立女屏風〉之風格必然與中國有一定的關係。另外則是觀察整個世界各地都有出現「樹下人物」這類圖像,基本上可以推測此類為一種普遍的形式,而這種圖像有可能會因不同區域文化而會被賦予不同價值與意義。特別是在中國藝術的表現,「樹下人物」更是一種經常被表現的題材。 因此本文擬針對唐朝「樹下人物」圖像深入研究,主要討論範圍為現存壁畫墓葬為主,其他出現「樹下人物」圖像的尚有敦煌壁畫、墓葬之屏風、陪葬品等也將納入討論。為研究唐代「樹下人物」圖像,本文首先擬針對唐朝「樹下人物」之起源作一番討論,調查釐清唐朝「樹下人物」圖像繼承了多少前朝的風格特色,其次則是運用統計學、風格分析、圖像學等研究方法研究唐代的「樹下人物」圖像,希望能釐清唐朝墓葬壁畫「樹下人物」圖像之種類以及是否具有特殊意涵,並討論其發展脈絡及對後世的影響。藉由研究唐代「樹下人物」圖像,希望能對唐朝豐富的藝術有更多的理解,也藉由這些唐代「樹下人物」圖像,探討唐代人物畫、山水畫發展的概況,並且對唐代「樹下人物」圖像之藝術價值與歷史意義有一個正確的評價。Since 20th century, the Tang Dynasty graves has been discovered all over the country in China. In part of those graves, there are a great quantity of exquisite mortuary objects and grave murals. According to the achievement of archaeology, these grave murals can roughly be divided into four regions: north area, Guanzhong and Luoyang area, south area, northwest area. The themes of grave murals are various, such as astronomy, archtecture, figure, flower, bird and animal. Especially the figure under tree, it doesn’t look special at first glance, but the considerable manner of type, idiosyncrasy and composition represent the diversity of Tang Dynasty grave murals. In Japan, at the same time, the screen, “Torige Ritsujyo no Byoubu”, with painting of “beauty under tree” was created, which is now conserved by Shosoin. Compare the painting of this Japanese screen with grave murals of Tang Dynasty, we could know that the Japanese painting has a close relation to Chinese style because their styles are similar. In this dissertation, I focused on “figure under tree” in Tang Dynasty and did further research. I mainly disscussed the existing grave murals and then integrated the Dun-Huang murals, grave screens and other mortuary objects, with the painting of “figure under tree”, into the discussion. In order to research the “figure under tree” in Tang Dynasty, first, I tried to discuss origin of the painting and figured out how many styles it inherited from the former dynasty; second, I tried to figured out the types and special meanings of the painting by statistics, style analysis and iconology, then tried to find out it’s development process and effect. By this dissertation, I hope to gain the comprehension on art of Tang and discuss the general situation of development of protrait and landscape painting in Tang Dysnasty; finally, I hope to find out an appreciation of the painting “figure under tree” by the artistic value and historical meaning.唐代壁畫敦煌樹下人物竹林七賢樹下美人Tang DynastyMuralDunhuangFigure under Treethe Seven Scholars in the Bamboo Forestbeautiful woman under Tree唐代「樹下人物」圖像研究The Iconological study of“Figure under Tree”in the Tang Dynasty