王美秀Wang, Mei-Hsiu俞雅文Yu, Ya-Wen2019-08-282020-04-202019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699810040%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85849 「年中行事」是日本民俗文化中特有的名詞,記錄一年之中的節日、儀式、祭祀等大事,可說是人民生活的基準與指標,從最早的口耳相傳、約定成俗,透過文字與曆法的傳入,成為以文字書寫的記錄和制度。現存的日本年中行事相關文本中,除了如「年中行事障子」的行事目錄外,尚有許多用以解釋年中行事的解說書,對於行事的活動內容、成立來源和歷來實踐狀況等皆有所紀錄,《年中行事秘抄》即是其中之一。根據《秘抄》及其他年中行事解說書中的記錄,在日本自有的風俗行事外,有許多年中行事的成立源自中國典籍,甚至有為了避某個中國歷史或傳說人物死後作祟而成的行事。 本論文以《秘抄》中所記載之「祛避行事」為中心,分就行事來源、祛避對象及袪避行為三方面進行研究:《秘抄》內的引用來源大致可分為三類,中國典籍、日本典籍和來源不明的「口傳」,其中所引中國典籍種類繁多,詩、禮、史、子皆可見,更特別的繼承了《禮記‧月令》的部分結構。另外《秘抄》中祛避行事的引書來源除《荊楚歲時記》外皆已亡佚,做為日本年中行事來源的同時,也保存了這些中國佚書的部分樣貌;在祛避對象方面,本論文將之大致分為「氣流之屬」、「疾病之屬」及「其他」三大類,整體而言,顯示人們在生活中對於疾病有著最強烈的祛避意向;在祛避行為部分,本論文中大致分為飲食、持物、儀式、儺事四大類,並另設其他一類,其中則以飲食相關的行為為最大宗。 中日淵遠流長的文化交流過程中,日本做為中華文化的訊息接受者,往往會被忽略在整個文化接觸過程所展現出的主動性。透過對《秘抄》引書、祛避對象及祛避行為三方面的分析,可以發現日本在年中行事,亦即節俗以外的面向,如自身原有的特色或所受到的其他方面來自中國的影響等,很大程度的成為年中行事系統中,中華文化被「選擇」的原因。同時也可發現,文化交流研究常在交流結果中所尋找的共同性,也許不只是文化交流的「結果」,同時也成為其他共同性存在的「原因」。‘Nenjugyoji’ is an annual schedule form in Japanese folk culture, including festival, religious ceremony, and is also the life guideline for people. With the introduction of characters and calendar system into Japan, ‘Nenjugyoji’ translated into written record from an oral convention. Some of the extant literature of ‘Nenjugyoji’ are like index, but the others mentioned the sources or the practice in history of the activities, “NenJuGyoJiHiSho” is one of them. According to “NenJuGyoJiHiSho” and other texts, some activities of ‘Nenjugyoji’ were from Chinese culture, even some were established to avoiding the haunting of Chinese historical or legendary figures. This study centers on the repellent behavior of ‘Nenjugyoji’, and to analyze the sources, the objects and the content of the repellent behavior: the sources of the repellent behavior are divided into three categories, Chinese classic texts, Japan classic texts and oral sources. Many kinds of Chinese classic texts were quoted in “NenJuGyoJiHiSho”, which even inherited part of writing construction of “LiChiYuehLing”. And many of the quoted Chinese classic texts were lost, which makes “NenJuGyoJiHiSho” an important reference. The repellent objects can also be divided into three categories in this study. Taken as a whole, disease is the most repellent object for people. As for the contents of the repellent behavior, are divided into five categories in this study, and eating behavior is the majority. Japan, as a message receiver in the history of Sino-Japanese cultural interaction, its initiative has often been ignored. Through the analysis, the reasons for some elements of Chinese culture were choose can be seen, and so is the initiative of Japan. The communality of different culture groups may be the consequence of cultural interaction, on the other hand, it can be the cause of other communality.年中行事年中行事秘抄祛避行為文化傳播中日文化交流NenjugyojiNenJuGyoJiHiShorepellent behaviorcultural diffusionSino-Japanese cultural interaction東北亞地區中華文化容受研究:以日本《年中行事秘抄》祛避行為為中心Study of Chinese Cultural Diffusion in Northeast Asia: Centering on Repellent Behavior in “NenJuGyoJiHiSho”