國立臺灣師範大學臺灣史研究所蔡錦堂2015-11-172015-11-172008/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75704「戰爭」對於近代國家與民眾到底意味著什麼?本計畫不打算從傳統的戰爭史角度 切入,而擬從赴戰場為國家或政權犧牲殉死的所謂「英靈」或「烈士」、這些死難的士 兵,國家為他們所建立的「慰靈設施」的研究著手。 本計畫分三年進行,就地理空間、歷史關係最為接近的台灣、日本、中國的慰靈設 施(包括:忠烈祠、招魂社、護國神社、靖國神社、忠魂碑、軍人公墓、戰歿者墓園、 烈士陵、戰爭紀念碑等等)作比較研究,除進行文獻資料的蒐尋外,亦著重上述慰靈設 施「非文獻資料」的現地田野調查。研究內容包含這些慰靈設施的種類、歷史沿革、設 立的時代意義、特性與異同,最主要的是透過這些慰靈設施的歷史學研究,凝視戰爭對 國家與民眾的關係。戰爭對國家、民眾到底意味著什麼?國家或政權藉著這些慰靈設施 是要對殉死士兵慰靈哀悼的同時,亦作為對戰爭的反思?或者其實旨在激勵民眾的愛國 心,驅使民眾上戰場,激化戰爭的擴大? 在近代歷史錯綜糾葛的台灣、日本與中國,透過三者各自的慰靈設施背後歷史意涵 的比較解讀,當有助於更進一步瞭解「戰爭」的本質。What does 「war」really mean for modern nations and their people? This research proposal is not going to pursue it from the traditional view of war history, but from the memorial facilities, or establishments, the nations built for the spirits of the deceased who fought for their lives and their country or regime. This proposal will last for three years and will deal with the comparative study between the memorial facilities among Taiwan, Japan, and China, who have close relationships in the geographic and historical sense. Such memorial facilities are Martyr Shrine, Shokonsha, Gokoku Shine, Yasukuni Shrine, Memorial monument to theWar Dead, Soldier Cemetery, War Memorial Stone, etc. This study will not only include the collection of bibliographic material, but also include field work survey of the above mentioned memorial facilities as 「non-bibliographic material」. The study will cover certain aspects of these memorial facilities such as: types, historical developments, historical significance, special characteristics, and their similarities and differences. Most importantly, it is through the historical research of these memorial facilities as to which we look at how 「war」relates to nations and their people.Were nations or political powers using the memorial establishments to mourn the war dead and reflect on war? Or, were they actually encouraging patriotism and leading them to the battle field? The modern history among Taiwan, Japan, and China are quite complicated. Through this comparative study and explanation of the historical meaning of each country』s memorial facilities, it will help to get a deeper understanding of how people in Taiwan, Japan, and China view 「war」.慰靈設施戰爭英靈忠烈祠護國神社靖國神社軍人公墓戰爭紀念碑忠魂碑the memorial facilities for the war deadwarthe spirit of the deceasedMartyr ShrineGokoku ShrineYasukuni Shrinesoldier cemeterywar monumentmemorial monument to the war dead台灣?日本?中國慰靈設施之比較研究The Comparative Study on the Memorial Facilities for the War Dead among Taiwan, Japan, and China