洪聰敏Hung, Tsung-Ming余建霖Yu, Chien-Lin2019-09-052020-08-282019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060330024A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105008背景: 認知功能一直是影響孩童學習效果的重要因素,但是有注意力缺乏過動症的孩童(Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,簡稱ADHD)卻因缺乏持續性的注意力與抑制功能,所以患者常常有學習困難與社會適應的問題。目前研究顯示出急性運動可以改善認知功能,但急性運動助益效果之保留時間仍待釐清,且過去探討保留時間的研究較少使用客觀指標 (如ERP、HRV等) 觀察心生理機制。因此本研究主要目的為中等強度急性運動後ADHD孩童抑制功能保留效果之探討。方法: 以組內平衡設計針對18位8-12歲確診之ADHD孩童,分別進行運動情境與控制情境,並觀察兩種情境後一小時內的抑制功能、心跳變異率(Herat rate variability, HRV)與事件關連電位 (Event-related potentials, ERP)指標上的變化。本研究結果說明了急性運動對ADHD孩童在抑制功能上的保留效果可以維持至60分鐘,並且反映在抑制作業的成績表現與ERP的指標上,除此之外,透過兩情境相減之相關分析,可以表明急性運動提升認知助益的維持效果與急性運動引起的HF-HRV改變有關。Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are deficient in sustain attention and inhibition function. Previous studies showed that acute exercise had positive impact on cognitive function, especially in inhibition. However the sustain effect of acute exercise remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the sustain effect of acute moderate-intensity exercise on inhibition function on ADHD children. Methods: Eighteen participants joined in the study by counterbalanced within subject design. All participants had 2 interventions by exercise condition and control condition. Measurement tools were inhibition function by Flanker test, HRV (Herat rate variability) and ERP (Event-related potentials) at 2condition after 30 and 60 minutes. Results: The results of this study show that the sustain effect of acute exercise on inhibitory function in ADHD children can maintain about 60 minutes, and reflect in the performance of the inhibition and ERP indicators. Through correlation analysis, it shows that the sustain effect of acute exercise to enhance cognitive benefit is related to HF-HRV changed by acute exercise.注意力缺乏過動症認知功能ERPHRVAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disordercognitive functionERPHRV急性有氧運動對ADHD孩童抑制功能保留效果之探討The sustain effect of acute exercise on inhibition function in ADHD children