許全守C.S.Hau張玉佳Y.C.Chang2019-09-042017-7-192019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099702321%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98820處於科技進步、競爭激烈的智慧型手機市場中,智慧型手機唯有朝多元化功能發展與設計,才能在市場上獨領風騷。本研究旨在了解青壯族群(20~40歲)對智慧型手機功能使用情形與其對功能創新之需求,以宏達電(HTC)、蘋果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)之旗鑑機型的功能分析彙整,結合TRIZ-39工程參數轉化智慧型手機功能開發設計的意涵,據以發展本研究之顧客調查問卷,並採校園發放問卷方式進行,獲得有效問卷108份,經應用SPSS 17.0 軟體進行描述統計分析結果,再經國內具研發Apple-iPhone、Motorola、Nokia、Samsung、Intel等行動通訊廠家之七位資深研發工程師,進行TRIZ-39工程參數之專家調查問卷,以分析智慧型手機現存功能創新之可行性建議。本研究之實證過程,應用TRIZ理論有助於智慧型手機研發工程師著手滿足顧客對功能的創新需求,針對創新需求依TRIZ-40創新原則,提供研發人員創新思維的方向。基此,本研究獲致結果如下: 一、青壯族群使用智慧型手機功能,不因廠牌而有明顯不同,且以觸控螢幕和應用程式為主要功能,相較語音輸入和視訊通話的需求較弱。 二、青壯族群對智慧型手機功能之創新需求以電池、照相品質、觸控螢幕靈敏度為最高。 三、青壯族群對智慧型手機功能之創新品質以通話清晰度、觸控螢幕的反應速度、外觀造形設計為最高。 四、符應顧客對智慧型手機功能之創新需求之建議:(一)電池容量可採用鋰聚合物電池,以發揮更大電池容量與電池效能。(二)照相品質可藉由增加鏡頭的數量與結構設計著手改善,使其拍出照片近乎數位相機的品質。(三)觸控螢幕靈敏度可採用內嵌式觸控技術(in cell touch),觸控螢幕將更輕、更薄、靈敏度更高。With the highly progressing technology and competition, smart phones should have to develop and design the diversification of functional to play the leading role in the market. This study aimed to understand the functional innovation based on the usage and the demand of smart phones consumers by the prime group (20 to 40 years old), the functions of smart phones were summarized from the fashion types of HTC, Apple and Samsung flagship. A TRIZ-based questionnaire was developed from the functions of smart phones transferred and identified by seven senior practitioners who have worked in mobile manufacturers. It was used to collect the data from the consumer perspectives of the higher education campuses and retrieved 108 valid statistically analyzed with SPSS 17.0 software. The results of this study listed: 1. The function of smart phones by the prime group used is not significantly different between the brands. The touch screen and the application program are the most useful function and the highest demand improvement, while the degree of the voice input and video calls is comparatively low need improvement. 2. The main needs of smart phone innovative features from the prime group are batteries, photographic quality, touch screen sensitivity. 3. The highest needs of innovative quality of the prime group of smart phone features are call clarity, speed of response of the touch screen, the appearance of form design. 4. The recommendations of the innovation needs of the smart phone features are: (1) Battery: lithium polymer batteries can be used to play a larger battery capacity and battery performance. (2) Photographic quality: improvement by increasing the number of lens and structural design to proceed near digital camera quality of photos. (3) The touch screen sensitivity: embedded touch technology can be used (in cell touch) to make touch screen lighter, thinner, higher sensitivity.TRIZ智慧型手機創新TRIZsmart phoneinnovation基於萃思法之智慧型手機顧客導向功能創新TRIZ Based Customer Oriented Function at Innovation of Smartphones