秦秀蘭Chin, Hsiu-Lan張鈴英Chang, Ling-Ying2022-06-082021-10-062022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d203219a02286185a91a26f6a65f531c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117161研究以高齡者的角度檢視我國社區照顧關懷據點依計畫施行健康促進課程課程規劃及管理執行績效實施情形。主要研究工具參考相關文獻探討所編製成的「社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程規劃及管理執行績效量表」。本研究的目的有四:1.瞭解社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程規劃與管理的現況;2.瞭解高齡者參與社區照顧關懷據點課程實施績效的影響因素;3.分析不同背景的高齡者對社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程執行績效的觀點;4.依研究結果提出建議,提供未來社區照顧關懷據點課程規劃及管理參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,以參與臺北市中正區與大安區社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程的高齡者為調查研究對象,共發出422份問卷,有效問卷416份,無效問卷6份,有效樣本回收率為98.59%。主要研究結果發現:1.據點女生受試人數高於男性受試者,受試者年齡以66至75歲者最多,教育程度以大學(專)者最多,參與健康促進課程年資以2至3年最多,自覺健康狀況「好」者居多,己婚且與配偶同住者比例較高。2.社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程規劃與管理執行績效,其最重要的影響因素為:教師與教材、學員與環境、行政服務等三方面。3.不同人口變項中,僅不同教育程度與健康狀況的受試者,對社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程規劃與管理執行績效觀點有顯著差異。4.教師與教材、學員與環境、行政服務等3個構面彼此間皆呈現正相關。本研究並針對中央主管機關、社區據點的課程規劃與管理,以及未來相關研究提出一些建議。The study examines the implementation of health promotion courses in my country’s Community Care Centers in accordance with the Curriculum planning and management performance from the perspective of the elderly. The main research tool is based on the"Community Care Centers Health Promotion Curriculum Planning and Management Implementation Performance Scale" compiled by participating in related literature discussions. The purpose of this research is fourfold: 1. Understand the current status of the planning and management of health promotion courses in community care centers. 2. Understand the influencing factors of the senior citizens' participation in the implementation performance of the courses in community care centers. 3.Analyze the views of elderly people with different backgrounds on the implementation performance of health promotion courses in community care centers. 4. Make suggestions which are based on the research results, and provide references for future community care centers' curriculum planning and management. This research adopts a questionnaire survey method, and takes the elderly who participated in the health promotion courses in community care centers in Zhongzheng District and Da'an District of Taipei City as the survey and research objects. A total of 422 questionnaires were sent out, of which 416 were valid questionnaires and 6 were invalid questionnaires. The effective sample recovery rate was 98.59%. The main results of the study found that: 1. The number of female subjects in the centers is higher than that of male subjects. Most of the subjects have the age from 66 to 75 years old, and the education level of the subjects is the most university (college). The number of years of participation in health promotion courses is at most 2 to 3 years. Most people feel that their health is"good", and the proportion of people who are married and live with their spouse is relatively high. 2. The most important influencial factors for the implementation performance of health promotion curriculum planning and management in community care centers are: teachers and teaching materials, students and the environment, and administrative services. 3. Among different demographic variables, only subjects with different education levels and health conditions have significant differences in the views of the health promotion curriculum planning and management implementation performance in community care centers. 4. The three dimensions of teachers and teaching materials, students and environment, and administrative services are all positively correlated with each other.This research also puts forward some suggestions for the central competent authority, the curriculum planning and management of the community centers, and the related research in the future.社區照顧關懷據點高齡者課程規劃課程管理健康促進Community Care CentersCurriculum planningCurriculum managementThe elderlyHealth promotion社區照顧關懷據點健康促進課程規劃與管理構面及績效之研究The research on the planning and management aspects and performance of health promotion courses in Community Care Centers.學術論文