溫嘉榮陳嘉斌莊明廣郭勝煌Jia-Rong WenChia-Pin ChenMing-Kuang ChuangSheng-Huang Kuo2014-10-272014-10-272011-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/20557受到無線技術發展影響,行動學習己逐漸走進人們的生活之中,學制內的教學應可運用此一新式科技協助學習,擴展學習內容,延伸學習效益。本研究目的主要在分別以Infrared及RFID技術,規劃及建置具有情境感知技術英語行動學習環境,並安排國中七年級三個班級共146位學生,以準實驗研究法評估應用情境感知英語學習環境是否具有較佳的學習成效,實驗組兩個班分別使用Infrared及RFID情境感知技術的情境教學,對照組則無接受實驗處理,三組均接受前測及後測,前測為100題英語單字能力檢測得分,後測為四個自編英語情境測驗之總分,以不同實驗處理為自變項,前測分數為共變數、後測分數為依變項,進行共變數分析考驗學生的學習成效,再進行事後比較分析。研究發現規劃具情境感知的英語學習環境與傳統情境學習方式相比,確實有一定的成效,其中以具有Infrared情境感知技術的輔助學習,有助於學習效果的提昇。With the effect of wireless technology, mobile learning has become a part of our life that such an innovative technology could be applied to academic instructions for expanding the learning contents and enhancing the learning effectiveness. With Infrared and RFID technology, this study aims to plan and establish the English mobile learning environment with context-aware technology. With quasi-experimental research, total 146 7th grader students in three classes were evaluated whether the contextual English learning environment would enhance the learning. Two classes in the experimental group were proceeded situational teaching with Infrared and RFID context-aware technology, while the control group did not accept the treatment. The three groups were preceded the pretest of 100 English vocabularies and the post-test of four situational tests. The groups were the independent variable; the score of the pretest was the covariance; and the score of the post-test was the dependent variable. The covariance analysis was preceded for testing the learning of students and further comparisons and analyses. The research outcomes showed that the context-aware (Infrared and RFID) English learning environment appeared certain effectiveness in comparison with traditional situational learning, in which the learning with Infrared context-aware technology would promote the learning effects.InfraredRFID情境感知行動學習英語學習InfraredRFIDcontext-awaremobile learningEnglish learning英語村情境感知環境中學習成效之研究A Study on the learning effectiveness in the contextual environment in English Village