王妙純Wang, Miao-shun2014-10-272014-10-272011-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14948由於歷來研究《世說新語》者,對各篇內所編纂之事例,未能注重其內在的關連性與邏輯性,常以儒家傳統文化框架解讀事例,又忽略了特定時空下的大背景,於是常造成各事例彼此矛盾分岐、扞格互斥之狀,甚而質疑劉義慶分類失當,其中又以〈方正篇〉為烈,明清學者甚至有「見辱方正」、「非方正之選」、「無關方正」之譏評。本文試圖跳脫舊解之拘滯,透由包容、諒解、同理的角度,而還以原典真貌,呈現出魏晉士人在出處進退上所表現的「方正」生命型態。到底〈方正篇〉中的「方正觀」是舊的傳承或新的創變?〈方正篇〉真實的歷史面貌為何?〈方正篇〉的精神向度為何?〈方正篇〉的歷史意義何在?而劉義慶又如何表現〈方正篇〉之精神呢?這都是本文探討的重點。As previous research on Shishuo Xinyu failed to focus on the internal consistency and logics of the stories presented in the chapters of Shishuo Xinyu, the framework of the Confucian culture was often wrongly used to interpret the examples and the stories. Moreover, the previous research ignored the background of a particular time and space setting. As a result, conflicts and wide discrepancies among stories occurred, and people started to question Liu Yiqinq’s improper classification of chapters of Shishuo Xinyu. Among all, Chapter Fang Zheng was criticized most by Ming and Qing scholars.This paper attempts to escape from the old interpretations and look at the original texts in a more understanding, empathetic manner, which in turn puts the scholars of Wei and Jin Dynasties in a “right” perspective. This paper discusses the following issues: a. Are the viewpoints in Chapter Fang Zheng an old continuation or a new change? b. What are the real historical faces, spiritual dimensions, and historical significance of Chapter Fang Zheng? and c. How did Liu Yiqing show the spirit of Chapter Fang Zheng?《世說新語》〈方正篇〉魏晉士人門第個體意識Shishuo Xinyuchapter Fang Zhengfang zhengfang zheng spiritscholars of Wei and Jin DynastiesScholar spirit《世說新語•方正篇》析探New Exploration of Chapter Fang Zheng, Shishuo Xinyu