甄曉蘭Chen, Hsiao-Lan翁偉閔WENG, WEI MIN2023-12-082027-07-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/08c0f9d05ff8b7e061dcea7d1ab1f820/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119446在108 課綱的課程變革下,培養行動力、判斷力、思考力、探索力和好奇心顯得更加重要,學生再也不是寫夠多題目就可以考得好的,教導學生要如何探究、思考就是很重要,因此本研究為探討5E學習環融入國中數學的可能性,並將研究者經由實施5E學習環的教學模式的教學歷程中,得到的心得、省思與專業成長做彙整,提供給5E學習環教學模式融入教學的教師作為參考。本研究所施行的對象以研究者任教國中的九年級任教班,以九年級下學期第二單元「統計與機率」為教學內容,以5E學習環教學模式進行課程設計。以本研究的教學實踐的過程分析學生的學習單、回饋單和訪談內容,進行質性探討,以及研究者編制的數學學習成就測驗和學者林星秀編製之「數學學習態度量表」進行前測、後測作量化資料的分析,探討5E學習環融入國中數學的實施成效。教學實踐分析結果如下:一、5E學習環教學模式執行的歷程:(一)5E學習環教學模式與解決數學問題歷程相輔相成。(二)問題引導的鷹架是不可或缺的。(三)差異化分組教學的重要性。二、5E學習環教學模式的課程實施提升學生的學習動機:(一)學習態度量表前後測p值<.001達顯著。 (二)學生認為比較貼近學生的生活,讓學生感到有趣。 三、5E學習環教學模式的課程實施提升學生學習成就: (一)學習成就測驗前後測p值<.001達顯著。 (二)學生認為可以更多思考、且透過操作更暸解四分位數、盒狀圖、機率 的意義、樹狀圖等單元學習目標。 綜上所述的研究結果,研究者提出相關建議,作為未來5E學習環教學模式融入國中數學課程上的教學設計與參考。With the implement of New Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, it’s becoming more and more important to cultivate students’ ability of activeness, judgement, thinking, exploration, and curiosity. Therefore, students can not get good grades simply by doing a lot of drill and practice. Instead, it’s important to guide students in the practices of inquiry and thinking. This research studied how the 5E Inquiry Teaching Model was integrated in math learning in a junior high school, and offered some relevant suggestions about incorporating the model into the curriculum design in future mathematics courses.The subjects were the ninth grade class that the researcher have taught. Chapter 2 “Statistics and Probability” in ninth grade’s spring class was used as teaching content, and the course was designed with the 5E Inquiry Teaching Model. Qualitative approach was used to analyze students’ worksheets, feedbacks, and interviews. Quantitative approach was used in the beginning and at the end of the study to evaluate students’ learning achievements and motivations, with the questionnaires designed by the researcher and the scholar Hsing-Hsiu Lin respectively. The main findings of the study are as follows:1. The process of performing the 5E Inquiry Teaching Model(1) The 5E Inquiry Teaching Model corresponded with the process of solvingmath problems. (2) Thinking scaffolds were essential. (3) Grouping for differentiated instruction was important. 2. The 5E Inquiry Teaching Model enhanced students’ learning motivations (1) The significance was achieved with a p-value less than 0.001 in attitude scale pre- and post-test. (2) The students thought the teaching content was close to their lives and this made them more interested in learning. 3. The 5E Inquiry Teaching Model enhanced students’ learning achievements (1) The significance was achieved with a p-value less than 0.001 in pre- andpost-academic tests.(2) The students thought the curriculum helped them think diversely, and withpractices, they could understand better and reached the learning goals of the chapters.According to the results above, the researcher offered some relevant suggestions about incorporating the 5E Inquiry Teaching Model into the curriculum design for future mathematics curriculum in junior schools.探究式教學5E學習環教學模式學習成就學習動機inquiry-based teaching5E Inquiry Teaching Modelmotivation to learnlearning effectiveness運用5E學習環於國中數學探究教學之行動研究-以九年級『統計與機率』單元為例An Action Research on Implementing the 5E Inquiry Teaching Model in Junior High School Mathematics --Taking the Unit of “Statistics and Probability” as an Examplereport_pro