楊雅惠Yang, Ya-hui2014-10-272014-10-272013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14781本文探討日治初始臺灣古典詩人梁子嘉《日東遊草》的旅行敘述。其詩對於日本的港市風光、歷史文明,多所著墨——無論抒情想像與審美觀照,或詠史感時而微言批判,從中,我們都可考察漢文化圈中的古典詩人對東亞新帝國日本,在文化上的辨異與認同、在情感上的憧憬與迷離。其越境旅行時間在於中日甲午戰後、臺灣乙未之變的隔年,更突顯了國族療傷的行動意義。因此我們兼而思索:梁子嘉之異地遊歷,與守在臺灣的棄地遺民、內渡避亂的流亡移民,在地理意象、空間意識與時間意識上有何異同?梁子嘉又如何藉由越境之旅,省思日本與中國、臺灣的糾葛關係,以對於挫敗的國族傷痕進行療治。This paper explores Taiwanese classical poetry Tourist Poems to Japan(日東遊草)written by Liang Zi-jia(梁子嘉)during the beginning of Japanese Colonial Period. In the poetry, itexplores the cultural distinction and identification, the emotional vision and blur of the Chinese classical poets when they confronted Japan, the new empire in East Asia. Since the time ofLiang’s transboundary travel is after Sino-Japanese war , the next year of the cession of Taiwan to Japan, the significance of nation-healing action was highlighted. In Liang’s Poems, hedescribes the scenery of port city, Japanese history and civilization. All lyrical imagination and aesthetic visualization, or intoned to history and sense on the times, make us think about thesimilaritiy and differences either in geographic imagery, or spatial and temporal awareness between Liang Zi-jia who travelled to an exotic country, and the abandoned adherents who stayed in Taiwan, and the exile emigrants who fled to Mainland. We also probe that how Liang Zi-jia reflected on the disputes between Japan, China, and Taiwan, through the transboundary travel, in order to heal the trauma from the nation defeat situation.梁子嘉日東遊草旅行敘述日治時期療傷Liang Zi-jia(梁子嘉)Tourist Poems to Japan(日東遊草)travel narrativeJapanese Colonial Periodhealing時空越境,國族療傷