王宗吉Wang Tsung-Ji林建良Lin Chien-Liang2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0689040130%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105529本研究之主要目的在瞭解國小學童運動參與行為及其社會化媒介,從個人背景變項(年級、性別、參加運動社團與否及家庭社經地位),探討國小學童運動參與行為變項(運動實踐、現場實地觀賞、觀賞運動媒體、購置運動用品)及社會化媒介變項(家庭、同儕、學校、大眾媒體、社區因素)之關聯性。以宜蘭縣國民小學四、五、六年級男女學童為對象,經分層隨機抽取532位學童為問卷調查之實施對象,以「國小學童運動參與行為及其社會化媒介調查問卷」為工具,使用SPSS 10.0 for Windows套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、卡方檢定、單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析。獲得結論如下: 一、國小學童不同年級、性別、家庭社經地位及有無參加運動社團,在運動參與行為上均有差異性存在。 二、社會化媒介與不同背景國小學童的關聯性,以「同儕」及「社區」與國小女生具有較大關聯性;有無參加運動社團與「同儕」因素關聯性大;高家庭社經地位則與「家人」因素關聯性大。 三、整體而言,高運動參與比低運動參與和社會化媒介關聯性為大,特別是「大眾媒體」、「同儕」對國小學童運動參與行為具有較大關聯性。 本研究最大的突破在於暸解當代國小學童是透過何種社會化媒介來學習運動角色,結果顯示「大眾媒體」與「同儕」已然躍升為影響學童運動參與最主要的社會化媒介,「家庭」、「學校」則退居次要,乃因社會民主化開放及媒體自由競爭所致,研究結論希冀能提供父母、教育當局參考。根據上述結論提出以下建議:政府當局在規劃全民運動政策時,應考慮性別差異,提供適合之方案,給予男女平等的運動學習機會;運動媒體也應平衡報導男女明星運動員比率,改變傳統性別刻板印象。而「大眾媒體」及「同儕」互動在學童運動社會化過程中之關聯性已不容忽視,教育單位在推動國小運動教育時,可從以上兩因素中著手規劃可行方案及對策,應可收事半功倍之效果。另外,社區因素與學童的運動參與行為間,雖較無相關,或許可以證明我國社區運動的風氣尚未成形,因此應多規劃位於社區內之小型運動休閒場地,並舉辦社區內之一系列且長期性的健康休閒活動,以提昇廣大的運動參與人口,透別是從學童做起,培養出終身運動習慣,藉以厚實我國運動基礎。The primary goal of this research was to examine the sport involvement of elementary school students and the influence of agents of socialization. This research discussed the variable events of elementary school students’ sport involvement (such as sport practice, watching the game alive, watching the sport media, and the purchase of sport goods) and different connections between each factors of agents of socialization (such as family, peer group, school, mass media, and community) by the variable events of personal background (such as grade, gender, the chance of participation in sports club and socioeconomic status). The study included the survey responses of 532 randomly selected fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in Yi-lan County public elementary schools. The survey ‘Influence of Agents of Socialization on Elementary School Sports Involvement’ incorporated descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, the Chi-square test, one-sample t-test, independent-samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA, etc. This research was used to SPSS 10.0 Windows statistics software. All the statistical methods analyze the data and resulting in the following conclusions: 1. The grade level, gender, and socioeconomic status of the students evenly influenced sport involvement behavior. 2. Agents of socialization had greater effects on female students by the peer group and community background; the peer group had a greater effect that whether students take part in sports club; highest socioeconomic status was affected by family factors. 3. Agents of socialization had greater effects on students with high involvement than the students with low involvement. The most penetration in this research is to comprehend with that what kinds of agents would be learned by elementary school students nowadays. As a result of a democratic society and mass media compete with each other, the result shows that mass media and peer groups are two main intermediums, then family and school are on the back burner. Besides, to provide some findings for parents and government authorities. Based on these conclusions, this study proposes following suggestions: When the government authorities plan the policy of sports for the whole people, they need to consider sexual difference. In addition, the government authorities should propose becoming programs and give equal chances of sports to male and female. Sports media should also report the rate of male and female athletes fairly in order to change formulaic impression on male and female traditionally. During the promotion of sports education among elementary school students, these two factors (mass media& pear group) can be practically incorporated into a program with double the effectiveness. It’s reveal low correlation between community and sport involvement, so augment or set up more playgrounds and to take place sport activities in each community were demand.運動參與社會化媒介社會化sport involvementagents of socializationsocialization國小學童運動參與行為與其社會化媒介之關聯性研究-以宜蘭縣國民小學為例EFFECTS AND CONNECTIONS OF AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION IN SPORT INVOLVEMENT TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS-A CASE STUDY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN YI-LAN COUNTY