陳秀蓉Hsiu-Jung Chen陳昱潔Yu-Chieh Chen2019-08-282015-7-172019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697010139%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91002國內以解釋風格為主題的相關研究並不算少,但以高中職學生為探討對象的研究卻相對缺乏。此外,解釋風格與憂鬱之間的關聯已被證實,但其中是否仍存有可以改變此聯結的契機,鑒於此,本研究目的有四:一、探討解釋風格、認知情緒調節策略、自我監控覺察與憂鬱及生活滿意度間的關聯;二、瞭解上述影響變項分別對於憂鬱與生活滿意度的預測力;三、探究解釋風格與認知調節策略以及認知調節策略與憂鬱及生活滿意度間可能有的組合特徵;四、探討認知情緒調節策略以及自我監控覺察在研究變項中的角色與影響。 本研究以大台南地區之公私立高中職學生共計758名為受試對象,進行問卷調查。每位參與者共填寫六份量表,包含基本資料、解釋風格量表、認知情緒調節策略量表、自我監控覺察量表、流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表與生活滿意度量表。根據研究目的以獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、積差相關、多元階層迴歸分析、典型相關等統計方法進行假設考驗。 結果發現:一、高中職生解釋風格傾向愈傾向正向事件穩定性,愈少傾向負向事件穩定性及負向事件普遍性者,會有較少的憂鬱症狀與較高的生活滿意度;二、高中職生使用較多適應性的正向認知策略如重新正向評估、重新關注正向事物與重新計劃等,較不容易產生憂鬱,反之,若使用較多不適應性的認知策略,如反芻、自我責備與責備他人則會有較高的憂鬱風險以及較低的生活滿意度。三、解釋風格與認知情緒調節策略以及認知情緒調節策略與憂鬱及生活滿意度間具有典型組合特徵。四、認知情緒調節策略在解釋風格與憂鬱及生活滿意度間具有中介效果。五、自我監控覺察在正向認知情緒調節策略與憂鬱間具有調節效果。研究者也據此結果加以討論,並提出未來研究及實務工作中可供介入與參考的重點。There have been few discussions on senior and vocational high school students’ explanatory style. Besides, the correlation between explanatory style and depression has been confirmed, but it’s doubtful whether there’ll be any factors possibility of changing such correlation. For this reason, this paper will focus on four aims: 1. Discuss the correlation among explanatory style, cognitive emotion regulation, metacognitive awareness, depression, and life satisfaction. 2. Understand the predictability of the above variables respectively influencing depression and life satisfaction. 3. Explore the potential combining characteristics of explanatory style and cognitive emotion regulation as well as of cognitive emotion regulation and depression and life satisfaction. 4. Discuss the role and influence of cognitive emotion regulation and metacognitive awareness in research variables. This study surveyed a total of 758 senior and vocational high school students from both public and private high schools in Tainan. Participants were asked to complete six questionnaires, including general information, explanatory style inventory, cognitive emotion regulation inventory, metacognitive awareness inventory, center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) and life satisfaction inventory. According to the purpose of the study, statistical methods, including independent sample t-tests, ANOVA, correlation analysis, multiple hierarchical regression analysis, and canonical correlation were chosen. Research Results and Conclusion: 1. Senior and vocational high school students whose explanatory style displays more tendencies for positive event stability and shows few tendencies for negative event stability and negative event universality have fewer symptoms of depression and higher level of satisfaction of life. 2. Senior and vocational high school students who use more adaptive positive cognitive emotion regulation such as positive reappraisal, positive refocusing, and refocus on planning experience fewer depression. On the contrary, those who use more maladjusted cognitive emotion regulation such as rumination, self-blaming, and blaming others, have higher risks of depression and lower level of life satisfaction. 3. There are cardinal combining characteristics between explanatory style and cognitive emotion regulation, as well as cognitive emotion regulation and depression and satisfaction with life. 4. Cognitive emotion regulation has a mediate effect between explanatory style and depression and life satisfaction. 5. Self-monitoring awareness has a moderate effect between positive cognitive emotion regulation and depression. In addition, further research on the basis of the study’s results is recommended, and would be of great help in suggesting points of interference and reference for future research and practical works.解釋風格認知情緒調節自我監控覺察憂鬱生活滿意度高中職學生explanatory stylecognitive emotion regulationself-monitoring awarenessdepressionsatisfaction with lifesenior and vocational high school students高中職生解釋風格、認知調節策略、自我監控覺察與憂鬱及生活滿意度之關聯The Relationship of Explanatory Style, Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Self-monitoring Awareness, Depression and Satisfaction with Life in Senior and Vocational High School Students