譚光鼎2019-08-122019-08-121998-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81753本文之目的是在分析並評論社會與文化再製理論的主要論點。自一九七○年代以來,心馬克思主義、批判理論、結構主義等學派,強烈地批判現代教育的功能。其中主要包括社會再製、符應理論、文化再製、霸權再製等幾種理論。這些理論批判現代教育制度的問題如下:1.統治階層的文化霸權操控學校課程與教學;2.教育制度已失去相對相對自主性而成為宰制社會的工具;3.教育制度再製不平等的社會階級。然而,本文作者亦指出再製論的幾項缺點:1.學校乃是充滿對立、矛盾與衝突的機構,而非再製社會階層之柔順工具;2.再製論犯了決定論的錯誤,否定教育對於促進社會流動之正面的功能;3.如果社會階級結構是經由順從而獲得再製,則社會變遷將不可能發生;4.抗拒理論更適合於解釋低社經地位的階級再製。The purpose of this article is to analyze and criticize the main points on social and cultural reproduction theories. Since 1970s, schools of Neo-Marxism, Critic theory and Structuralism, etc, have strongly criticized the function of modern education. These main theories include social reproduction, correspondence theory, cultural reproduction, and hegemonic reproduction. They argue as follows:1.The cultural hegemony of the dominant class controls the curriculum and teaching in schools;2.Educational system loses its autonomy respectively and hence becomes an instrument used for dominating the whole society;3.Educational system does not fulfill the ideal of equal opportunity of education, the reasons are related to what is mentioned next; 4.Educational system reproduce unfair social classes. However, the author also points out some weaknesses of reproduction theories. They are as follows:1.Schools are not just a compliant instrument for duplicating social classes;on the contrary, there are controversy, conflict, opposition, and disagreement continuously present within campus;2.Reproduction theories err as does determinism, and they deny the positive contributions that modern education has made to social mobility;3.If the structure of social classes was reproduced undoubtedly through complying, then any social change will not be likely to take place;4.It seems that resistance theory is more suitable to explain the duplication of lower socio-economic status.社會再製文化再製文化霸權社會階級文化資本符應理論知識社會學新馬克思主義批判理論結構主義社會與文化再製理論之評析A Critical Analysis of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction