蔡芷芬Tsai, Chih-Fen買永信Mai, Yung-Hsin2020-12-102021-03-112020-12-102020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060560025T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114703「南島熱- 覆寫941番地」是筆者藉由藝術創作「覆寫941番地」系列作品為研究對象,探討自身對於生命經驗中多重、複雜的身份認同問題所提出的質疑與空缺。計畫中筆者以「南島熱」一詞為起頭,指涉自身的平埔族身份與所謂「南島語族」的血緣-地緣關係,以及在臺灣殖民歷史與客體化語境下的「南方」問題意識,兩者的交會促成了一系列的創作與探尋。 論文首先說明覆寫的概念,來自筆者對殖民戶口文件間書寫權力的觀察與描述,以及近年來臺灣當代策展中興起的南方意識,對於地方、區域知識論述的關懷。接著探討筆者以計劃型態創作、現地物的應用以及檔案的目的性集合等角度,思考一種迴旋於「以文件、物件作為歷史見證」及「以藝術作品作為回應文化現象與認同生產問題」兩者之間的辯證關係。最後以「覆寫941番地」創作為研究方法,回應包括自身在內的身份認同與臺灣文化主體性、殖民現代性等議題的疑問。 在一系列的創作中試圖揭露檔案背後複雜的族群衝突、政權交替下的認知矛盾等歷史脈絡,但筆者希望開展個人在經歷認同生產中所遭遇的認知變化,以及將此知識在藝術創作領域上塑造更多的可能途徑,並期盼在整體社會中,以更加包容開放的視角共塑這塊島嶼上的文化與身份主體。“The South Fever - Overwriting Land 941” is a phased study based on my longterm reflection, in the form of contemporary artistic practice, about the constructing identity in both national and ethnic ideology.“ The South”, as a geopolitical concept, is adopted when referring to my identity as Pinpu(plains indigenous people in Taiwan) and its's geographical, historical, anthropological connection to Austronesian, as well as the objectification context in the colonial history of Taiwan. Two implications above may compose a specific“south perspective” indicating a common perplex and disorder in cultural identity for people, including myself, on this island. “Overwrite” as a word I used to narrate the overlapping power-knowledge observed in my family's household certificate, filed by the former Japanese colonial government, contributed to the following project “Overwriting Land 941”. By organizing several artistic processes including fieldwork, archival practice, the application of in-situ objects, the attempt was to make my family relics a set of archive-proof of subjectivity, and the artistic creation as a reply to contemporary cultural phenomenon. Such a reply is considered a proposal to the absences of subjectivity, the identity policy, and perhaps another way out of the colonial modernity in both Taiwanese society and myself. Even though the sequence of pieces may reveal conflicts between ethnics and ambiguous identity behind regime alternation, antagonism and hatred was never the purpose. I have been in a strong sense of commitment to transform personal change and cognition in identity into readable, visualized experience, hoping the whole society, regardless of our various past, is moving toward inclusivity and multiple possibilities.覆寫南方檔案身份認同overwritethe Southarchiveidentity南島熱:覆寫941番地-買永信創作論述The South Fever: Overwriting Land 941-Artist Statement by Mai Yung-Hsin