潘裕豐Pan Yu- Fong莊惠文Chuang Hui- Wen2019-08-282013-1-282019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099A02105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88944本研究旨在探討創造思考技法融入英詩課程,以及學生在此教學過後,英詩創作的情形。研究對象為臺北市某國中英語資優方案八年級十五位學生。研究者於運用英資方案的上課時間,一次九十分鐘,一學期共六次的課程,進行本研究。透過上課錄影、課程學習單、教師省思札記、與批判諍友討論記錄、學生回饋單、及學生英詩創作作品來蒐集資料,以質性研究法分析,歸納出以下結果: 創造思考技法融入英詩學習:根據本研究發現,KJ法可以激發學生的創意,產出大量的點子,但在帶領學生用KJ法蒐集寫作題材時,須有領導者帶領歸納,否則很容易鬆散而無結論。在引導學生完成心智圖的過程中,學生對於明確的答案如地名、人名等,可以很快地寫出來,但很難表達較抽象和複雜的概念。而本課程用類比法介紹英詩當中的譬喻修辭,學生學習利用類比法的原則,創造出多元且豐富的語言,展現創意思維。最後一堂課用奔馳法進行分享互評活動,藉由評鑑觀摩同儕的作品,學生得以達到觀摩學習的經驗,並在評改的過程中,學生學習使用後設認知策略,幫助自己成為學習的主宰者。 英詩創作的部份,研究者針對學生的作品分成以下五個部分探討:主題、寫作技術、押韻和格律、選字、和原創性。在英詩課程學習中,學生認識很多的英詩的寫作技巧,這些學習幫助學生更深入欣賞英詩,也進一步應用在自己的英詩創作上。除此之外,學生也學會用批判性思考策略去解讀詩,發揮創意發表自己獨特的見解。而「詩」本身就是創意的展現,在完成自己的詩作後,學生們都表示寫詩很難,但完成英詩很有成就感,整體而言, 學生喜歡這學期的課程。藉由這項研究,研究者發展了一套出步的英詩教學模式,激發學生在流暢力、變通力、獨創力和精進力的創意表現,並協助學生達成自我實現。 本研究建立創意英詩教學流程與模式,供相關研究者作參考,希冀國內教育現場,在英文教學推動得如火如荼之餘,別遺忘文學之美──詩,能提供學生自由奔放的創作空間、天馬行空的想像、深層的生活經驗分享,以增進學生英語學習與創作的樂趣,並培育一個個富有創造力的英詩作家。This study aimed to explore the effect of a course in English poetry designed based on creative-thinking strategies. There are fifteen 8th grade students of high school in Taipei recruited for the study. Six lessons in a semester were applied to carry out this study, and every lesson lasted ninety minutes. The research employed qualitative methods of observation, the record of students’ behavior in class, notes from a teacher’s reflection, discussion between the researcher and friends, analysis of students’ poetry writing work and worksheets to examine how the strategies influence students’ learning. The finding of the research was as followed: While applying the thinking strategy designed by Kawakita Jirou, students could come up with a lot of ideas. However, leaders had to be well- organized during the discussion, or it would be hard to get a conclusion. Another finding of the course was: in the process of doing mind maps, students can easily find the key words for concrete notions, but it was difficult for them to define abstract concepts. Besides the two strategies above, Synectics is also used in this study to teach students figurative language, and it worked very well since students could appreciate poems better and apply some of the rules to their own creation. The last strategy used in this course was SCAMPER. By using SCAMPER as a tool to do peer- review, students could develop their met cognitive knowledge and become self-independent learners in the future. In regard to writing poems, the research aimed mainly at five portions: theme, technical excellence, rhyme and meter, choices of words, and originality. The students’ works and feedback showed that they have learned to appreciate the beauty of English poetry and apply some of the techniques, such as rhyme and meter, in their won poems. Moreover, students can use critical thinking strategies to express their opinions about literary works, which was also an important part of creative learning. Although most students expressed their fear for writing English poems, they gained the sense of achievement from the writing experience, and they enjoyed taking the lessons. By doing the research, the researcher developed a preliminary teaching mode for creative English poetry learning. The mode can inspire students’ creative abilities in fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration, which would make they achieve self- actualization. To sum up, based on the course design of the research, some recommendations about creative-thinking strategies on poetry learning and further study in this field are offered. The beauty of English literature, poetry, allows students to develop their remarkable ability of creative-thinking and inspires their fertile imagination. Therefore, students are able to be stimulated consuming interest in English poetry and encouraged to be highly creative poets.創造力思考技法英詩英語資優生creative thinking strategyEnglish poetrygifted students創意思維的英詩之旅: 我與英語資優生的故事The Creative Journey to English Poetry: A Story about My Gifted Class