鍾志從吳宗浩2019-08-282016-8-32019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698060325%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87110本研究主要在了解幼兒氣質、父母社交技巧與幼兒同儕社會地位之現況,也探究年齡、性別、家庭社經地位分別與幼兒氣質、父母社交技巧以及幼兒同儕社會地位之間的關係,並探討幼兒氣質和父母社交技巧對幼兒社會地位的預測力。 本研究以358位四足歲和五足歲的幼兒為研究對象,這些受試幼兒分別來自大臺北地區的八所公、私立幼稚園。使用家長填寫之幼兒氣質量表、家長社交技巧量表,以及照片式社交計量法為研究工具。透過資料蒐集與分析,重要研究結果發現:(ㄧ)受試幼兒的同儕社會地位狀況五歲組幼兒的受歡迎比例較四歲組高,而四歲組幼兒的受忽視的比例較五歲組高。(二)受試幼兒的氣質狀況男生的分神度較女生低,女生的反應閾則較男生低。(三)低社經地位受試幼兒的活動量高於中社經地位之受試幼兒,且中社經地位受試幼兒的活動量高於高社經地位之受試幼兒。(四)低社經地位幼兒家長的之社交敏感為最高,而高社經地位家長的社交技巧中的情緒敏感、情緒表達與覺察較高。(五)幼兒氣質以及家長社交技巧能夠準確的預測將近40%的幼兒同儕社會地位。 針對本研究的結果,建議未來可以加入其他幼兒同儕社會地位的影響因素進行更多面向的探究,或是進行幼兒同儕社會地位預測工具的後續發展,期望會因為加入更多因素而使得工具更加的精進,可以準確預測更多幼兒的同儕社會地位。The purposes of this study were to understand the current status of young children’s temperaments ,social status, and parental social skills , and to explore the relations among the three, also to examine the difference of the age, gender and socioeconomic status among the three. Targeting young children aged 4~5, the researcher sampled 358 subjects from eight private/public kindergartens in Taipei and New Taipei city area. Instruments used in the research included Behavioral Style Questionnaire-Revised (BSQ-R) and Riggio’s Social Skill Questionnaire were filled by parents. In addition, young childrens’s social status was classified by sociometric techniques. The result showed that : (1) There is significant difference between social status and children’s age. The older the children, the more accepted they are ; The younger the children, the more neglected they are.(2) Comparisons made between genders have found that the boys tend to have lower distractibility and higher sensory threshold than girls. (3) The activity and persistence and sensory threshold of temperament have significant difference in sociometric status. (4) Parental social skill has significant difference in young childrens’s sociometric status. (5) The young children’s temperament and their parental social skill can predict about 40 percent children’s social status. Finally, the study suggested that future follow-up researches may add other influence factors or expand the tools to examine young children’s social status.幼兒氣質同儕社會地位父母社交技巧parental social skillsocial statustemperamentyoung children幼兒同儕社會地位的影響因素探討The Impact factors of Young Children’s Social Status