朱文增蔡志一2019-09-052005-08-092019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1132017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107228本研究旨在探討健康體適能休閒中心顧客之休閒態度。研究對象以台北市賀喜健康體適能休閒中心之成人顧客為主,以「準實驗設計」將60名之成人顧客分成實驗組、控制組A、控制組B共三組,以休閒治療(TR)、輔助治療與另類治療(CAM)為實驗處理。研究工具主要採用研究者自編之「個人健康與生活型態自我評價表」以及休閒治療評估工具中的「休閒傾向量表」中的「休閒態度量表」進行問卷調查評估。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數分析與相依量數成對樣本t考驗等方式進行統計分析。 主要研究結果如下: 一、健康體適能休閒中心成人顧客其健康與生活型態需要再改善。 二、健康體適能休閒中心成人顧客其健康與生活型態之健康分數與性別、年齡、婚姻狀況有相關。 三、健康體適能休閒中心不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、社經地位的成人顧客的休閒態度感受無明顯差別。 四、健康體適能休閒中心不同不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、社經地位的成人顧客其休閒態度並無顯著差異。 五、實施TR活動會提升參與者的休閒態度感受與改善參與者的休閒態度成效。 六、僅實施TR的休閒態度成效優於實施TR+CAM或CAM的實驗處理成效。 未來期盼在台灣能有本土的休閒治療(TR)與輔助治療及另類治療(CAM)的系統能建立起來,本研究使用TR與CAM有效促進了參與者的「休閒態度」,未來建議能再進一步研究「休閒傾向」的其他面向,可與本研究互相呼應。The goal of this research is the clients’ leisure attitude in health and fitness leisure center. The samples come from the clients of “Health-Up” health and fitness Leisure center in Taipei. The design of this study is to separate 60 clients into three testing groups, using therapeutic recreation (TR) and complementary/alternative medicine(CAM) for the treatments of this study. The tools of this study is using self-made questionnaires like「Self-evaluation of personal health and life-style」and 「Leisure Attitude Measurement」to investigate. Then researcher will use descriptive analysis、One-way ANOVA、One-way ANCOVA、paired-samples t-test、Independent-samples t-test to proceed statistical analysis. The main results of study are as follows: . The main result of study is as follows: 1. The clients of health/fitness leisure center need more enhancements on their health and lifestyle. 2. The clients of health/fitness leisure center, their health score have relevant with sex, age and marital status. 3. The clients of health/fitness leisure center become with demography items of adult customer their leisure attitude feeling shows no differences. 4. The clients of health/fitness leisure center different sex, age, marital status leisure attitude, adult customer experience and have no difference of showing. 5. Leisure attitude effect of implementing the leisure attitude that TR and CAM will improve the participant and experiencing and improving the participant. 6. To use TR interventions are better than use TR+CAM or CAM for clients’ leisure attitude. Discover that the sex, age will influence the experiment to divide into groups, the leisure attitude effect that only implements TR is superior to the experiment of implementing TR + CAM or CAM and deal with the effect. The leisure expecting in the future that there is native country in Taiwan is treated (TR) with the system of auxiliary treating and treatment (CAM) of different class can be set up, research this use TR and CAM promote ' leisure attitude ' of participant effectively, is it is it face while being other to can study ' leisure aptitude ' further to propose future, can echo each other with this research.休閒治療休閒傾向輔助治療與另類治療休閒傾向量表健康體適能休閒中心顧客之休閒傾向研究--以台北市賀喜健康體適能休閒中心顧客之休閒態度為例