劉建成Liu, Chien-Cheng賴志芳Lai, Chih-Fang2020-10-192023-08-272020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007682112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111421何謂視覺擬像?人類從擬仿到超真實的影像概念一一陳述於時空的深度,正如我們現在所處似真似虛的社會現象。本研究以視覺擬像如何運用在平面海報為探究的主題,藉由文獻探討將尚.布希亞所提的擬像論對於後現代經由大眾媒體的灌輸傳播,讓人們藉由符號象徵造成的社會現象。從擬像意象與藝術脈絡連結分析出30種後現代表現手法運用於擬像海報設計。透過案例分析將視覺擬像運用在海報設計形式表現,探究平面設計在符號、圖像修辭與擬像的關聯性。歸納出符合擬像世界的圖像形式構成:型態同構、型態分離重組、隱形構成、置換重構、視幻與錯覺、異影圖像、共生形與正負形圖像等七種,並融合擬像的符號象徵達到視覺擬像效果,再經由創作實證運用在已成為21世紀的藍色病毒「憂鬱症」議題作為海報設計主軸,分為三個系列每個系列各五張共十五張作品。分為三個系列呈現:一﹑憂鬱症心境/邊緣,找路,失落,黑鏡,堆積五張作品。二﹑面對憂鬱症/幸運,轉移,要做,傾聽,鏡子。三﹑跟它說再見/透露,接受,心跳,接納,幸福。希望藉此讓人們正視憂鬱症患者對社會的影響並導正大家污名化的錯誤觀念,期望透過此創作研究讓人們瞭解尚.布希亞的擬像意象,以象徵符號來詮釋抽象的內心世界,探索不同思考模式發想的可能性。 本研究獲致結論有三:一、平面設計的圖像修辭「象徵」搭配借喻或隱喻可對應到擬像的視覺設計;二、除了運用現代數位在影像的創意手法,也應該如同尚.布希亞對於追求藝術的本質,回歸設計應有的創意及設計者本身肩負的社會責任;三、對於科技的發展讓圖像、影像和影音多面向並不需要刻意躲避,善用媒介或創作元素也可以達到擬像的圖像表。What is a visual simulacrum? It refers to our concept of image which changes over time as something presents the original copy to something surreal. It also resembles the society nowadays where the boundary between reality and illusion is vague. Focusing on the application of simulacra in poster design, the study combs through literature on how simulacra are introduced by the mass communication and shape the society with symbols as proposed by postmodern theorist Jean Baudrillard. The study collects 30 applications of simulacrum in postmodern poster design. It is concluded that there are 7 types of image formations in these applications, including Formations Combined, Formations Separated and Reconstructed, Hiding image, Optical illusion, Juxtaposition, Different shadow images, Images of Postive and Negative forms. Appling visual simulacra, symbols are incorporated in the creation of 3 sets of “depression” Poster, and each set has 5 pieces. The first set focuses on the mood of a depression patient, including “the Edge”, “the Way”, “Get Lost”, “Black Mirror”, and “Pile up.” The second set focuses on facing depression, including “Good Luck”, “Change”, “Do it”, “Listen up”, and “Mirror”. The third set focuses on saying goodbye to depression, including “Reveal”, “Receive”, “Heartbeat”, “Accept” and “Happiness”. The creation of Poster aims to contribute to the society as a whole facing up to the issue of depression without stigmatization. It also hopes to advance the understanding of Baudrillard’s simulacrum, the using of symbols to represent the abstract mind, and the exploration of different thinking models. The study has three conclusions: first of all, the rhetoric of the image “symbols” combined with metonymy and metaphor in graphic design could be used as simulacra in visual design; secondly, while applying creative skills with digital image, one should also pursue the essence of art like Baudrillard and bear in mind the creativity and the social responsibility of a designer during the process; last but not the least, one needs not to shy away from the multifaceted of illustrations, photos and videos brought by the development of technology because it is possible to create simulacrum by using media and creative elements well.擬像海報設計憂鬱症符號學SimulacrumPoster DesignDepressionSemiotics or Semiolgy視覺擬像運用於憂鬱症防治海報設計創作研究Research on Applying Visual Simulacrum Design to Depression Prevention Poster