陳碧祺Pi-Chi Chen2020-09-032020-09-032019-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109149本研究旨在探討「母校教師訪談」實作評量作業對師資生的職涯選擇與班級經營專業成長的影響。此實作評量作業目的是讓師資生和昔日國高中母校教師進行對話與討論,協助師資生釐清或確認自己的教職職涯選擇與發展,並連結班級經營學說理論與教學現場的實務應用。本研究分析、整理104、105以及106學年度修習研究者所授「班級經營」之本校5系共126位師資生訪談母校教師後所撰寫的教師訪談心得回饋。資料分析結果發現,此作業對師資生有以下影響:(1)有助於釐清或更加確認、堅定自己的教師專業選擇和教職信念;(2)得以將母校教師的實務分享與課堂上所學習到的教育理論進行比對與連結;以及(3)過去母校老師已成為現在的「教學導師」,在班級經營技巧上,有讓師資生們見賢思齊之效。母校教師訪談是一可善加應用的師資培育學習活動。This study aimed to investigate the effects of the course assignment-interviewing alma mater teachers on pre-service teachers' career planning and professional growth in class management. The purpose of the assignment aimed to help pre-service teachers to clarify and confirm their career choice and development, and to link the class management theories with the educational practice. This study analyzed the interview reflections from the reports submitted by the 126 pre-service teachers taking Class Management course from 2015 to 2017 school year. The analysis results showed the interview assignment helped pre-service teachers in the following ways: 1. confirmed or clarified their career planning and development, 2. established the theories and learning in the class with the educational practice, and 3. alma mater teachers became their teaching mentors and teaching models providing them with practical guidance in class management skills. Visiting and interviewing alma mater teachers was found an effective learning activity to enhance pre-service teachers' professional growth.師資培育職涯選擇班級經營教師訪談母校教師teacher educationcareer choiceclass managementteacher interviewalma mater teacher母校教師訪談經驗對師資生職涯選擇與班級經營專業成長之影響初探A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Interviewing Alma Mater Teachers on Pre-service Teachers' Career Choice and Professional Growth in Class Management