蔡居澤Tsai, Ju-tse孔慶珩Kong, Ching-Heng2019-08-282016-02-222019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060107020E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88218本研究的目的在探討一位優秀的體驗教育活動領導者謝智謀教授的引導經驗。本研究採個案研究法,研究對象為台師大公民教育與活動領導系副教授謝智謀博士。探討其在103學年度第一學期於該研究所所開的「活動領導研究」課程上,如何在帶領活動體驗前後處理引導經驗。 該課程於2014年9月15日至12月29日期間,進行每周一次、一次3小時,共計16周課程。本研究觀察分析範圍為該16周課程當中前半部分謝教授親自示範帶領引導經驗的課程。研究分析參與課堂觀察時間從2014年9月15日第一周課程為始,至2014年11月3日的第八周課程為止,共計8周課程。資料蒐集來源包括(1)三次深度訪談,其中二次對謝副教授,一次對其二位專任助教;(2)以結構式問卷收集修習該課程的8位學生對課程的觀點;(3)該課程的錄影、錄音檔案。 本研究的資料分析將根據錄音錄影蒐集之資料及訪談內容寫成全文逐字稿方式,進行編碼分類,進而做內容實證分析。本研究可信任度採行的作法包括:同儕檢核、三角檢證、參與者檢核。 本研究得到以下結論:一、謝教授的引導方式沒有固定形式且引導方式依據信仰核心價值信念而變化,研究者並將謝教授這樣的引導方式命名為「信仰核心變通形引導」;二、影響謝教授引導經驗的原因有四:對基督教信仰的信念、個人生命經驗的整理、個人反權威與反框架的特質,以及其經驗的大量累積與終生學習等因素,造成今日謝教授引導的風格。 研究者最後並根據文獻探討及研究分析的結果,針對體驗教育領導者的引導經驗提出反思結論、未來研究建議等以供後繼研究者參考。A case study was conducted to understand how experiential education was facilitated by an exceptional facilitator- Associate Professor Chihmou Hsieh of The Department of Civic Education and Leadership, National Taiwan Normal University. How the subject facilitated attendees during his course of “Studies in Activity Leadership” in the fall semester of 2014was investigated. This is a 16 week, 3 hour per session, once per week course which took place at the graduate school of his department from the 15th of September till the 29th of December of 2014. The study focused on the first eight courses. In these classes he demonstrated how he facilitated activities. Three sources of data were collected: three interviews including two with the professor and one with his two teaching assistants; structured questionnaire that were designed to understand what the 8 students, which attended the course, thought about it; video and voice record of the course. The data were analyzed by first translating the voice and video records into transcripts. Then, they were coded and categorized and were used to identify the traits of the way he facilitates. To insure the accuracy of this study the following was done: peer evaluation; Triangulation and member check. The results shows that, first, in each activity, prof. Hsieh customized the way of facilitating each attendee because he believed that everyone is unique, rather than one way for all. Second, the factors that influenced how prof. Hseih facilitates are his belief in Christianity, his experience from life and profession, his anti-authoritarianism personality, his constant out of the box thinking, and his persistence on improving his method of leading. Last, some conclusion and suggestions for further study are mentioned for facilitators of Experiential Education according to the aforementioned results and literature review.體驗教育活動領導引導員個案研究謝智謀教授Experiential EducationActivity Leadershipfacilitatorcase studyProfessor Chihmou Hsieh一位體驗教育活動領導者引導經驗之個案研究─以臺師大謝智謀教授為例A study on the facilitation experience of a facilitator of Experiential Education – the case of Associate Professor Chihmou Hsieh of N.T.N.U.