盧台華王欣宜2019-08-282003-7-282019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000335%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91946本研究共分為兩部分,一是建構高職階段智能障礙學生之社交技巧課程綱要,二是以本課程綱要及生態評量原則對高職特教班高一的學生進行社交技巧教學實驗。所得結果如下: 一、課程綱要建構及評鑑結果結果 接受問卷調查的188位高職特教班教師及10位受訪的高職特教班教師都認為特教班學生的社交技巧教學不受到重視、社交技巧教學時間不夠、教師無法運用多種方式評量學生的學習成效、教師沒有對自己的教學進行檢討、學生沒有足夠的練習時間,而最嚴重的問題是學生無法類化所學的社交技巧及缺乏適當的社交技巧教材依據。 學生在各領域的社交技巧課程需求是「教室學習」領域的「專心聽老師說話」、「服從教師指令」、「盡力完成工作」、「主動詢問教師」;「與人溝通」領域的「眼神接觸」、「傾聽」、「察言觀色」、「交談音量」、「與人交談」、「問問題」、「回答問題」、「輪流發言」、「正確復述事情」;「與人相處—個人主動」領域的「使用禮貌字眼」、「打招呼」、「主動協助他人」、「關心朋友」、「主動尋求協助」、「與他人維持適當的空間與身體接觸」、「稱讚他人」、「批評他人」、「表達自我的感受」、「為自己的行為道歉」、「控制自己的情緒」、「控制自己的物欲」;「與人相處—與他人互動」領域的「合作」、「接受他人讚美」、「加入他人活動」、「瞭解他人感受」、「接受他人批評」、「面對別人的嘲笑或憤怒」、「處理同儕給的壓力」、「拒絕別人」、「解決問題」、「與異性交談」;「工作社交技巧」領域的「主動自我介紹」、「服從督導指令」、「主動打招呼」、「主動發問」、「與同事交談」、「主動協助同事」、「主動尋求協助」。 十二位專家學者及高職特教班教師對本課程綱要的評鑑結果顯示,超過90%以上的意見都認為本課程綱要的各項目均為「適當」與「尚可」。 二、社交技巧教學實驗的結果 本教學實驗根據課程綱要及生態評量的結果,選取並編寫十九個教學單元,對國立沙鹿高工高一特教班的學生進行教學實驗,結果分為學生學習成效及類化成效兩部分探討。在學習成效方面,「與人交談」、「問問題」、「回答問題」、「輪流發言」、「使用禮貌字眼」、「打招呼」、「關心朋友」、「稱讚他人」、「批評他人」、「表達自我感受」、「加入他人活動」、「瞭解他人感受」、「接受他人批評」、「處理同儕給的壓力」、「解決問題」等單元學習成效較佳,而「主動詢問教師」、「主動協助他人」、「主動尋求協助」、「面對別人的嘲笑或憤怒」學習成效較差。 就類化成效而言,共評量十八個單元,除「面對別人的嘲笑或憤怒」、「處理同儕給的壓力」兩單元的類化成效較差之外,學生在其餘的十六個單元均有類化行為產生。研究者並根據研究結果做出相關之建議,以供參考。This research is divided into two parts. First, social skills curriculum for secondary vocational schools students with mental retardation is compiled. Second, a social skills teaching experiment is conducted on 13 year-one students studying with a special education class in secondary vocational school on the basis of this curriculum and the ecological assessment principle. The findings are as follows: 1.Findings of curriculum compilation and evaluation All the 188 special education class teachers and the ten special education class teachers of secondary vocation school, whom we interviewed, believed that the education authority does not attach importance to the social skills teaching to special education class students, the current social skills teaching hours are inadequate, teachers are unable to assess students’ learning results by various means, teachers do not review their own teaching methods and students’ practice hours are too short. The opined that the most serious problem is that students are unable to apply what they learnt from the social skills course to their daily life by analogy and that there is a lack of teaching materials suitable for students taking the social skills course. Teachers’ opinions about students’ needs for the curriculum with respect to “class learning” is “being absorbed in listening to teachers”, “obeying teachers’ instructions”, “doing one’s best to complete a task” and “taking the initiative in asking teachers questions” were important items. For the curriculum with respect to “communicating with others” is “eye contact”,“listening”, “sensitive”, “strength of voice in conversations”, “conversing with others”, “asking questions”, “answering question”, “taking turns to make remarks” and “capability of reiterating matters correctly” were important items. For the curriculum with respect to “getting along with others--taking initiatives” is “using polite words”, “greeting”, “taking the initiatives in helping others”, “being concerned about one’s friends”, “taking the initiative in asking for a favor”, “keeping an appropriate distance away from another person and having appropriate body contract with another person”, “praising others”, “criticizing others”, “expressing one’s feelings”, “apologizing for one’s conduct” and “controlling one’s temper” were important items. For the curriculum with respect to “gettling along with others--interacting with others” is “cooperation”, “accepting others’ admiration”, “joining others’ activities”, “understanding others’ feelings”, “accepting others’ criticism”, “facing another person’s tease or anger”, “coping with pressure from peers”, “rejecting others”, “problem-solving” and “conversing with a person of opposite sex” were important items. For the curriculum with respect to “job-related social skills” is “taking the initiatives in giving a ‘self-introduction’ presentation”, “obeying a supervisor’s instructions”, “taking the initiatives in greeting others”, “taking the initiative in asking questions”, “conversing with colleagues”, “taking the initiative in helping colleagues” and “taking the initiative in asking for a favor” were important items. The findings of the evaluation of the social skills curriculum outline ,on the whole, the 12-member team composed of experts, academics and teachers held the view that comments like “appropriate” and “so-so” prevailed to an extent greater than 90%. 2.Findings of the Social Skills Teaching Experiment The teaching experiment involves selecting and compiling 19 teaching units in the light of the curriculum outline and the results of the ecological assessment. The teaching experiment is conducted on special education class year-one students of the National Shalu Industrial Vocational Senior High School. As regards result of learning, it is excellent in units like “conversing with others”, “asking questions”, “answering question”, “taking turns to make remarks”, “using polite words”, “greeting”, “being concerned about one’s friends”, “praising others”, “criticizing others”, “expressing one’s feelings”, “joining others’ activities”, “understanding others’ feelings”, “accepting others’ criticism”, “coping with pressure from peers” and “problem-solving”, but it is poor in four units, namely “taking the initiative in asking teachers”, “taking the initiative in helping others”, “taking the initiative in seeking assistance” and “facing another person’s tease or anger”. As regards the result of analogy, a total of 18 units are assessed. Although the result of analogy is poor in two units, namely “facing another person’s tease or anger”, and “coping with pressure from peers” , the experiment shows that all the students exhibit analogy behavior after taking the remaining 16 units. Suggestions were made according to the results.智能障礙學生社交技巧高職階段智能障礙學生社交技巧課程綱要發展與應用成效之研究