施人英高聖惕金雅瑩2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697560055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94561回顧兩岸發展歷史,自1987年臺灣開放民眾赴中國大陸探親以來,兩岸人民、經貿和文教交流復始,彼此往來與互動日益繁盛,而隨著兩岸交往與交流至一定的廣度與深度後,必然會使得兩岸互動與作業的「需求」增加。 2008年馬英九政府上臺執政之後,中共對臺態度開始轉為和善,而臺灣的大陸政策亦不斷擴大與開放,海基會與海協會再度恢復會談。在今日兩岸關係此種「經熱,政也熱」之氛圍下,為了處理因為彼此交流熱絡所衍生的兩岸事務,兩岸雙方開始就設置辦事處之議題進行對話與討論,以期達到服務兩岸人民之目的。 本文主要探討之目的,即是一旦臺灣於中國大陸設置辦事處,此辦事處應具備何種職能。筆者參照過去歷史與當代關於設置「辦事處」之經驗,並且透過訪問長期居住於中國大陸之臺商、臺籍幹部與臺灣留學生,瞭解到臺灣確實有其「需要」和「必要」於中國大陸設置常駐性辦事處,以協助處理那些長期在中國大陸生活之臺灣民眾的問題與需求。最後,筆者規劃出一個可行的辦事處模式,希冀日後能夠作為臺灣於中國大陸設置辦事處之參考。Reviewing the development of the cross-strait’s relation, the interactions and exchanges of the two sides’ people, activities of trade, culture and education have restarted and become more prosperous since Taiwan’s government implemented the open policy to Taiwanese which allowed them to visit their relatives in mainland China in 1987. As the contacts and exchanges of the cross-strait growing to a certain breadth and depth, the “demand” of the people of the two sides must be increased. Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou has been cultivating ties with mainland China since winning the election in 2008 so that the attitude of mainland China has turned to friendly instead of hostility as well. Taiwan’ s China policy has continued to expand and open, especially the Straits Exchange Foundation and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait have restarted to dialogize and negotiate since 2008. In the cross-strait’s relation nowadays, this situation of “both economy and politics boom”, the two sides began to discuss the issues of setting up office for dealing with the large number of affairs which derived from the frequent interactions of each other. They hope to achieve the goal of servicing people of the both sides by setting up office for handling their affairs. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the feasible model of office for Taiwan. I referred to the past history and contemporary samples of setting up offices, and I also interviewed some Taiwanese who have long stayed in mainland China for business, working, and studying. It’s necessary to setting up a permanent office in mainland China by Taiwan for the purpose of solving the problems of Taiwanese. Finally, this research summarized a feasible model of the office as a reference by Taiwan’s government in order to setting up a permanent office in mainland China in the near future.兩岸關係馬英九政府辦事處中國大陸臺商臺灣留學生cross-strait relationsthe Ma’s governmentset up officemainland ChinaTaiwanese businessmenTaiwanese students臺灣於中國大陸設置辦事處之可行模式The Feasible Model for Setting Up Office in Mainland China by Taiwan