掌慶維Chang, Ching-Wei陳萩慈Chen, Chiu-Tsu2024-12-172024-04-192024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/107084c72e207553718c5f8c32385ecf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123648體育教材教法是職前師資培育課程的核心,本研究旨在透過「師資培育實踐自我研究」(Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices, S-STEP) 來促進初任師培者的教學實踐,運用對話和批判性反思,提高專業發展和教學實踐的能力。本文從回顧研究者的中小學體育課及體育師資生學習經驗,並以中學體育教師、初任體育教材教法課程講師、博士班候選人等多重身分,期望以師資培育實踐自我研究 (self-Study of teaching and teacher education practices, S-STEP) 方式,並參與實務社群 (communities of practice, CoP),以促進初任師資培育者自我專業成長。研究方法以質性研究,研究者為主體、立意取樣選取北部國立大專院校師資培育課程教授4位、新北市某具中等師資培育中心之體育教材教法課程的體育師資生5名為研究對象,資料蒐集以半結構式訪談、參與觀察、自傳性文件、教學反思紀錄表、課堂文件,以持續比較和歸納方式分析資料。結果:S-STEP促使「我」回憶過往中小學與師培經驗所築成「體育夢、師培夢與教師夢」,並闡述在教學實踐脈絡下,藉由參與實務社群促進師培者與師資生之間的對話和反思,嘗試注重從實際行動中發現問題並解決問題。故事的最後,在S-STEP教學實踐中,研究者對教學信念、專業發展和專業認同進行反思,試圖透過改變和重構教材教法課堂,用以提高師資生學習如何教體育的能力。結論:S-STEP可作為體育師培者在職前體育師資培育階段,實施教學實踐研究的有效方式,協助體育師培者釐清教學場域的主體與教育價值,提供增能培力之新策略。The “Physical Education Subject Matter and Pedagogy Course” is the core curriculum of the pre-service teacher training program. The purpose of this study was revealed to transform the “teaching practice in Physical Education Teacher Education” (PETE) by using “Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices” (S-STEP). It would improve the professional development and the ability of teaching practice by having dialogue and critical reflection. The purpose of this study self-study in researchers' experiences in primary and secondary school physical education classes, as well as the learning experiences of PETE program, researcher with multiple identities, middle-school physical education teacher, physical education subject matter and pedagogy course lecturer, doctoral candidate, to establish Communities of practice (CoP) make to growing up PETE professional. Method: 4 participants were purposively selected from the physical education subject matter and pedagogy course professor, 5 PE pre-service teachers in PETE course. The qualitative research method, including class observations, interviews, professional dialogue, and teaching reflection journals, was adopted. All the data were transcribed and then analyzed with the inductive method. Results: S-STEP prompting I recall my past experiences in primary and secondary school, as well as teacher training, shaping my dreams in physical education and teaching. I described through S-STEP in the context of teaching practice, trying to focus on discovering and solving problems from practical actions, CoP it could promote the dialogue and reflection between the teacher educator herself and pre-service teachers. At the end of the story, during the S-STEP teaching practice, the researcher reflected on teaching beliefs, professional development, and professional identity, trying to change and reconstruct the curriculum to improve student learning. Conclusion: The concept and practice principle of S-STEP could promote the value and significance of the teaching practice research. In addition, it could also improve professional growth and provide the current research strategies on the quality of physical education teacher education.體育師資培育課程實務社群體育師資生教師專業發展體育課程與教學physical education teacher education programcommunities of practicePE pre-service teachersteacher professional developmentphysical education curriculum and teaching初任體育師資培育者教材教法教學實踐之自我研究Self-study in Beginning Physical Education Teacher Educator’s Teaching Practice of Physical Education Subject Matter and Pedagogy Course學術論文