國立臺灣師範大學體育學系馮木蘭卓俊伶2016-08-042016-08-042000-12-011563-3470http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/80206本研究旨在根據「健身運動行為模式」探討影響健身運動行為的因素。該模式預測:若人們具有內在運動控制的主觀知覺,對身體活動抱持正面的態度,擁有正面的自我概念,以及對健康、身體外表具有正面的價值觀,則人們已處於準備運動的狀態中,一旦知覺行動利益大於行動障礙,產生健身運動行為。本研究利用個案研究的方式,探討位成年女性從不運動變成規律健身運動的歷程及其內在傾向的轉變。研究發現個案的健身運動行為改變歷程並不完全符合「健身運動行為模式」的預測;個案開始接觸健身運動的原因是有高的自我效能及社會支持,而此兩因素並非健身運動行為的準備因素。在從事一段時間的健身運動之後,個案才逐漸體會到健身運動的好處,並且對身體活動、自我概念以及健康、外表抱持正面的態度。此一循環式的歷程顯然有別於「健身運動行為模式」的預測。最後根據本研究的發現,對體育教學實務工作者提出進一步的應用建議,並且對未來健身運動心理與行為研究方向提出建議。The purpose of the study was based on the Exercise Behavior Model (EBM), to explore influential factors on exercise behavior. EBM predicts that internal locus of control over exercise behavior, positive attitude toward physical activities, positive self-concept, and positive values for health, physical appearances and physical fitness are factors that develop readiness for exercise behavior. Also, if the benefits are perceived as greater than the barriers, the person will participate in exercise. This study employed case study to investigate the process and the internal predisposition change of a female adult who once chose not to exercise but currently is a regular exerciser. The participant’s past experience was found not completely corresponding to the hypothesis of EBM. After taking a period of exercise, she realized the benefits of exercise, and took positive a attitude toward physical activities, self-concept, and physical appearances. This process is different from the hypothesis of EBM. Practical suggestions for physical education and future research direction in exercise behavior were proposed based on the findings of this study.健身運動行為模式個案研究自我效能社會支持Exercise behavior modelCase studySelf-efficacySocial support以健身運動行為模式之觀點探討影響健身運動行為之因素Influential Factors on Exercise Behavior Based on the Exercise Behavior Model個案研究A Case Study