葉秀燕Hsiu-yen Yeh楊又欣Yo-hsin Yang2019-08-282013-1-82019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697820015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85934觀光旅遊和文化想像以及身體存在緊密的關係。本研究以12位台灣男同志的歐洲旅遊經驗為主要分析文本,探討台灣男同志對於歐洲的文化想像與歐遊中的身體和性/別展演策略。首先,本研究發現受訪者對於歐洲的生活風格、社會風氣甚至是歐洲白人都抱持著不同層次的正面想像,透過旅遊實踐中對歐洲的凝視、體驗以及與台灣文化的對比,受訪者形塑一種「東方主義」式的自我貶抑,這樣的情感結構揉雜了歐遊消費中那種仿擬甚至是想要「成為」歐洲人的渴望,於是形成了一種自我的「雙重他者化」。此外,本研究也發現台灣男同志歐遊中的性/別與身體展演與他們對地方及空間的想像存在著相依相生、多元角力的互動關係,同時歐遊也可視為一種出櫃資本的積累,而賦與台灣男同志在性/別與身體展演上更大的能動性。 在這些觀光現象背後,本研究也覺察到包含了性別、地方與身體在內三個不同面向的階級分化現實。在性別部分,男同志為規避潛在的恐同風險,在旅行中必須小心隱藏自身性傾向,而這也凸顯同志社群相較於異性戀在社會中的次等地位。此外,在男同志社群內部,歐遊本身也就暗示著某種階級性,而只有具備特定消費能力的人才能進行這種跨國移動。另方面,歐洲做為一個觀光目的地,不僅消費較為昂貴,其所代表的豐富歷史文化和品味美學都標示了一種與其他地區甚至是台灣本身在文化與品味上的優劣位階,而構築了不同「地方」之間的階級。最後,在受訪者的論述中,我們也看到了年輕/衰老、陽剛/陰柔與白人/非白人三組對於男同志身體的階級劃分,連結前述的地方階級,於是出現了一種「歌頌西方他者、矮化東方自我」的失衡現象。Tourism, cultural imagination and the body areclosely connected. To discuss their cultural imagination of Europe and strategies in body and gender performance, this thesis interview 12 Taiwanese gays and analyze their travel experiences in Europe. First, the thesis finds out that the interviewees have variousdegrees of positive imaginations toward the life style, societyand even the Caucasian in Europe. Combining these imaginations and the comparisonwithTaiwanese culture, the interviewees tend to construct an Orientalism perspective to belittle the self (Taiwan) andpraise the Other (Europe).This emotional complex is associated with a desire to emulate or even “become” European. Consequently, it is a process of dual-othering.Second, the thesis also discusses thedynamicsbetween body performance and the imagination of place/space in the context of Taiwanesehomosexualtravel experience in Europe. From this, the thesis points outthatthe trips to Europe can be seen as an “accumulation of capital” for Taiwanese homosexual men to come out of the closet as they are endowed with more confidence and freedom to exhibit their sexuality. Behind the aforementioned tourism phenomena, the thesis also observes three dimensions of class differentiations in gender, place andthebody. First, in order to avoid the potential homophobia, gays have to hide theirsexual orientation when they travel abroad.This highlights the reality that homosexual community is assigned an inferior social status in the heterosexual world. Second, within the homosexual community, travel in Europe also indicates the possession ofeconomic capital and superior position. In addition, as a tourist destination, Europe represents exquisite culture, life style and aesthetics which symbolize a superior status in contrast to other places, including Taiwan. Third, in the discourse of the interviewees, the body image of homosexual men can be classified into two classes; while young, masculine and Caucasian stand for the higher level, old, feminine and non-white is associated with the lower.文化想像身體展演性/別種族階級歐洲cultural imaginationbody performancesex/genderraceclasseurope性/別觀光─台灣男同志之歐洲想像與身體展演Gender andTourism: Cultural Imagination and Body Performance of Taiwanese Gay Touristic Experiences in Europe