謝美莉林政宏2019-09-042004-7-192019-09-042004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000198%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98301本論文分別以Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm 及Direct Binary Search 兩種演算法設計相位式電腦全像片並探討其特性,從理 論設計、模擬分析到應用,我們進行一系列之研究。旨在介紹如何利 用全像之概念來設計相位式電腦全像片,並以液晶光學空間調制器進 行光學重建。首先說明設計的方法與基礎,根據光波繞射理論以電腦 程式計算出全像片之光場分佈,並且量測了液晶光學空間調制器之光 波調制特性,包括光穿透率及相位變化…等,找出適合相位式全像片 光學重建之工作條件以實現相位式電腦全像片,最後並應用於雷射光 鉗上。 iThe theoretical analysis and applications of phase-only Computer Generated Holograms ( CGH ) designed by Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm and Direct Binary Search Algorithm have been studied in this thesis. The main goal is to develop the phase-only Computer GeneratedHolograms by using concepts of the Optical Holograms and using the Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator ( SLM ) to reconstruct the CGH. First, We introduced the design principle and computing the CGH based on scalar diffractive optics. Then,the optical properties of Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator, including the characteristics of the amplitude modulation and the phase modulation induced by the different bias voltages have been measuremed quantitatively. Finally, we find a suitable condition of SLM to reconstruct the CGH optically and applying the technology of CGH to optical tweezers. ii相位式電腦全像片相位式電腦全像片之研究A Study on Phase-Only Computer GeneratedHolograms