卯靜儒Mao, Chin-Ju曾淑娟Tseng, Shu-Chuan2023-12-082023-02-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/64efa8c7b963647c0b3734779faa4f48/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119452本研究旨在探討教師成為正式教師所經歷的教師甄選經驗,以敘事研究為研究取徑,藉由一位國小教師之生命故事,瞭解教師追尋正式教師的起心動念,並循著教師甄選經驗的歷程對於教師想像和教師職涯之意義與影響。因應《師資培育法》的施行和少子化現象,致使從教師甄選成為正式教師之路更是舉步維艱。故事中的刺蝟老師擔任代理教師7年,如今已是正式教師,憶起當初欲為人師的苦與甜,藉由回想與傾訴其生命經驗,讓我們瞭解身為一位教師不僅需具有耐心、溝通技巧、跨領域教學和雙語能力等專業素養,也需擁有一顆「莫忘初衷」的心,方能在教育的旅程中,實踐人師,成就每一位孩子。This research intends to investigate the teacher selection process that candidates go through in order to become formal teachers. Narrative research has been used to understand a primary school teacher's motivation for being a teacher. By following the process of the teacher selection experience, the significance and effects of the teacher selecting experience on the teacher's expectations and career could be discovered. With the implementation of the "Teacher Training Law" and the phenomenon of Taiwan's low fertility rate, the path from teacher selection to formal teacher training has become even more challenging. The interviewee in the story acted as a substitute teacher for 7 yearsand has now become a formal teacher. By reflecting on and sharing his or her life experiences, he or she has acted as a reminder that teaching requires not only the professional skills of patience, communication, cross-curricular teaching, and bilingualism, but also the need to keep in mind the reason why one became a teacher in the first place. By doing this, educators could assist students in realizing their goals and aspirations.教師甄選正式教師敘事探究teacher selectionformal teachersnarrative research從教師甄選到成為正式教師:一位國小教師之敘事探究From Teacher Selection to Being a Formal Teacher: Narrative Research in Analyzing an Elementary School Teacher's Storyreport_pro