湯仁燕Tang, Ren-Yen王雨農Wang, Yu-Nung2023-12-082027-08-092023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ab0d3e0808a0d269c83bf2546e0ec154/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119763本研究旨在發展漫畫寫作課程方案,並透過方案實施於國小五年級語文低成就學生,探討是否能提升其寫作能力與寫作態度。首先藉由蒐集相關理論與研究,設計出符合6名研究對象之10週課程方案,接著在課程過程中透過課堂互動觀察、教學日誌、學生課堂作品、前後測作品等質性與量化資料,勾勒出實施歷程中學生的學習經驗與改變。透過行動研究法,針對桃園市一所公立國小之學習扶助班級,進行教學與滾動式修正。以質性研究與描述統計的方式,相互輔助以了解學生於課程方案過程中的轉變,作為課程實施方案評估之依據,進而改善研究者於教學現場遇到之困境。根據研究目的與問題,得到之研究結論如下:壹、 漫畫寫作之課程規劃可結合其他語文能力貳、 漫畫寫作之漫畫運用應視學生程度彈性調整篇幅參、 低成就學生可透過繪製漫畫提升對寫作的自信心肆、 漫畫寫作有助於提升低成就學生寫作態度伍、 漫畫寫作有助於提升低成就學生寫作能力對於未來研究之建議如下: 壹、 課程方案納入語文基本能力教學 貳、 視不同程度學生調整漫畫使用篇幅 參、 繪製漫畫與寫作任務應安排於不同課堂進行 肆、 漫畫寫作課程之評量應排除圖片及其他語文能力The purpose of this research is to develop a manga writing curriculum plan, and implement the plan in the fifth grade Chinese low-achieving students of elementary school to explore whether their writing ability and writing attitude can be improved.First, by collecting relevant theories and research, a 10-week course plan is designed that matches the six research subjects. Then, during the course of the course, through qualitative and quantitative data such as classroom interactive observation, teaching logs, students' classroom works, and pre- and post-test works, outline the learning experience and changes of students during the implementation process. Through the action research method, teaching and rolling corrections were carried out for a learning assistance class in a public elementary school in Taoyuan City. In the method of qualitative research and descriptive statistics, mutual assistance is used to understand the changes of students in the course of the course plan, as the basis for the evaluationof the course implementation plan, and then to improve the difficulties encountered by researchers in the teaching field.According to the research objectives and questions, the research conclusions are as follows:1.The curriculum planning of comic writing can be combined with other language abilities.2. The use of comics in comics writing should be flexibly adjusted according to the level of students.3.Participating and low-achieving students can improve their self-confidence in writing by drawing cartoons4. The writing of manga and comics can help improve the writing attitude of low-achieving students, comic writing helps to improve the writing ability of low-achieving students.Recommendations for future research are as follows:1. The curriculum plan incorporates the teaching of basic language skills.2. Adjust the length of comics used by students at different levels Participation.3. drawing comics and writing tasks should be arranged in different classrooms.3.Imagery and other language skills should be excluded from assessments in comic writing courses.漫畫寫作寫作能力寫作態度行動研究action research漫畫寫作提升國小語文低成就學生寫作能力之行動研究An Action Research on Comic Writing on Primary Underachievement Students' Compositionetd