張書豪任恩儀Shu-Hau Jang, En-Yi Jen2019-08-122019-08-122017-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81641本文旨在了解荷蘭資優教育的現況與發展。文章先概覽荷蘭國民教育的學制,並分析資優教育的辦理現況,以立法與政策、鑑定與安置、師資培訓等三個面向析論之。最後,介紹拉德博德奈美亨大學所設立的資優研究中心,並實際訪談該中心的研究員,以了解成立宗旨及服務內容,包含師資培育、發展鑑定工具、親職教育、與各級學校端的合作等,藉此探究荷蘭資優教育與未來展望。文末對照臺灣與荷蘭經驗,整理對臺灣資優教育工作者啟示與發現。The purpose of this article is to understand the current status and development of gifted education in the Netherlands. On the basis of the educational system and characteristics of Dutch national education, the current situation of gifted education is analyzed. This article also showed the overview of Center for the Study of Giftedness established by Radboud University Nijmegen, and actually interviewed a researcher at the center. Key findings and suggestions for educators would be concluded資優教育荷蘭比較教育gifted educationNetherlandscomparative education談荷蘭資優教育的現況與發展The Current Status and Development of Gifted Education in the Netherlands