黃松元陳政友Song-Yuan HuangCheng-Yu Chen何忠鋒Chung-Fong Ho2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895050092%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88044  本研究主要目的在探討健走運動健康促進計畫介入,對大學生睡眠品質之改善效果。以某國立大學一年級日間部835名學生為母群體,先採「匹茲堡睡眠品質量表」 (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) 調查後,徵求PSQI>5分睡眠品質不佳者,並同意參加者,隨機分為兩組,最後完成實驗者,共有93人(實驗組44人,對照組49人)。實驗組施以八週,每週3次,每次30分鐘,訓練強度為個人最大心跳率65%~85%的「健走運動訓練」,及5次,每次30分鐘的「健走運動健康促進衛生教育課程」,對照組則不給予任何介入。兩組均接受前、後測,並以單因子共變數分析進行資料處理。本研究之重要結果如下: 一、在心理因素方面,實驗組後測的壓力、前途發展及憂鬱程度的得分,均顯著優於對照組。 二、在睡眠衛生習慣方面,實驗組後測的睡眠習慣、飲食習慣、運動習慣、睡眠環境及網路使用習慣的得分,均顯著優於對照組。 三、在睡眠品質方面,實驗組後測的主觀睡眠品質、睡眠時數、睡眠困擾及睡眠品質 (PSQI) 總分的得分上,均顯著優於對照組。   本研究顯示八週的健走運動健康促進計畫,對研究對象的心理因素、睡眠衛生習慣及睡眠品質,皆有顯著的改善效果。根據研究結果建議教育主管單位應針對大學生研發一套完善之運動與睡眠衛生教育課程,以增進其健康。The propose of this study was to investigate whether a power-walking program can improve the sleep quality of university students. The sample included 835 freshmen attending a public university. The participants were recruited who possessed a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score of more than 5 and randomly divided them into two groups. A total of 93 subjects (44 in the experimental group and 49 in the control group) participated in this study. Those in the experimental group participated in 30-minute power-walking sessions three times a week for a total of eight weeks and also attended five, 30-minute health education programs. Training intensity was set at 65%-85% of the maximum heart rate of each individual. No intervention measures were implemented in the control group. Pre-test and post-test were conducted on each group, and one-way ANCOVA was used to process the data. The posttest results yielded the following conclusions: 1. Both the stress levels, depression scores of the experimental group were lower than those of the control group, while simultaneously showing better prospects for future growth. 2. The sleep patterns, eating habits, activity levels, quality of sleep environment, and internet usage patterns of the experimental group all surpassed those of the control group. 3. The subjective levels of sleep quality, length of sleep, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score of the experimental group all surpassed those of the control group. This study showed that after participating in the power walking program for eight weeks, targets of the study all demonstrated significant improvements in sleep patterns and quality of sleep. Based on the results of this research, it is recommended that the Ministry of Education establishes an exercise and sleep quality curriculum to promote better health for university students.健走運動健康促進計畫大學生睡眠品質power walking programuniversity studentssleep quality健走運動健康促進計畫對大學生睡眠品質改善之效果研究-以某國立大學一年級學生為例Study on the Effects of A Heath Promoting Power Walking Program on the Sleep Quality of University Freshmen